Thanks man. The 5670 looks great but not sure I can stretch that far money-wise. Cant find it for much less than £100. Mostly play racing sims on the pc (Race 07, GT Legends, Nascar 2003 etc.) as well as stuff like Broken Sword, GTA (3, VC & SA) and older stuff like that so not sure its worth me spending that much.
TDU is the only game I have for my PC which struggled with my old set-up of the GeForce 6200 256mb and 2gb ddr. I dont plan on buying many games which are much more demanding as I do most of my gaming on my PS3 or my flatmates 360. Mainly just want a card which will let me play TDU at a decent level so I can enjoy it properly without all the jerkiness it had with the 6200. Do you think the 5450 I mentioned could manage it ok?
Thanks for all the advice guys it's very much appreciated.