uhm, matter the fact yeah, and here you have why..
I do not have ADHD, I have only ADD. but when it comes to this.. it's the same... (Incidentally, do not complain for my English .. I used google translate ...)
The argument continued about ADHD is flushed, but the majority of ADHD researchers believe there is an imbalance in certain chemicals in the brain. Imbalance rinsed nervotransmitterne, which transmit impulses in the brain cells, not in as good shape as they should have been. One of the results of this chemical imbalance is korttidshukommelse that ADHD patients often struggle with. Researchers have also concluded that the ADHD sufferer suffering of another chemical imbalance. This is in the substance dopamine. Dopamine is one of the drugs that we find in Synapse. Synapse is the part of the nerve cell that sends the signals further, calling the nerves communicator. When it does not work properly, do not nerves to send signals well NOK further, and therefore there is a delay. And because of this delay, the signals from the brain to slow down (ie a bad arrangement between the muscles and brain) which is why many ADHD sufferer is very uncouth.
Who has the ADHD?
In Norway, five percent of the school compulsory part of the population ADHD, and you expect that one to three percent of adults suffer from functional hemn no.
As mentioned earlier in the article is ADHD a boy dominated disability, but it also affects girls. We can say that of all the five per cent, boys have four of them. This despite the fact that ADHD is not gender dependent.
The number represents five percent of these 30 000 persons between six and 18 years, and of these, suffering 35% of learning and / or behavior problems. The behavioral problems appears to be a problem especially in life where many are struggling with the social, having had little social intercourse as the younger.One result of this is often depression.
this is from http://www.daria.no/skole/?tekst=5604 but it's in norwegian, so I doubt that you would understand pretty much...