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  1. I'm in a bit of a nostalgic trip at the moment and it got me thinking about some great gaming moments I've experienced in the years I've been playing, the one that popped into my head making me create this thread is in the original Metal Gear Solid for the PlayStation 1. Anyone who has played it knows that there are so many great times in that game that this one might seem quite dull compared to some of the others, but for myself this was one moment where I was gob-smacked and couldn't believe it happened. Like many people I loved to tease and annoy the sentry soldiers patrolling the area like having them run around in circles chasing my snow prints or staying still enough for Snake to catch a cold, but this one instance I did something I'd done many many times before and that was putting down a sentry by knocking him out, then hiding under the cargo truck. Normally this would result in the idiot AI walking around and the ALERT timer running down and back to normal. This time though I got the fright of my life as one of the guards bent down and looked under the truck, too which the other guards just started lobbing grenades underneath and dutifully blowing my ass to hell. It doesn't sound much but because it had never happened before it was so unexpected that I was completely taken aback by it. The same sort of thing happened again another time when I was crawling inside the ventilation coming up to an exit when a sentry while just patrolling decided to just have a look down and saw me, grabbed his gun and shot me. So come on, share your own experiences that have made you feel like saying "Clever Girl" like the Ranger in Jurassic Park. :D
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