Legend Proof and deck list plus win-rate against all class graph: http://imgur.com/a/VYC90 (all games are recorded in ranked)
According to the record, it took me total 300+ games to reach legend (-_-)/~~~ピシー!ピシー!
Just to clarify, I did not make the deck myself
Warrior deck credit to Sjow's original deck
Druid deck credit to neviilz2 made that post just couple days ago
So why only showing 29 cards?
Yes, I find most people post complete decks
I think this can create a completed figure for the players trying out new deck and they maybe scared to modify them
guides on how to mulligan is all over the internet so I'm not going to talk about them
but I'm going to show you card choices based on current meta due to time shift
that's why I leave 1 slot for you to adjust, and it is easy to understand
but when to tech cards in/out?
I switch cards base on the opponents I see at the time when I play
for example, I play 8 games in the afternoon, 5+ of them are aggro face rush, I will tech in aggro counter cards
and then at night, I find 5+ of them are control style, then I will tech in e.g black knight
the key is find the right card that can help you beat most decks you see at the time when you play, not try to win all of them
to find out which one is the right card to swap, see below
Let's start with warrior (got me from all the way to rank 2): deck / win-rate
when facing a lot mech heavy decks e.g mech mage, mech druid - add mind control tech or second brawl
to better understand the card choice, let's look at their objective, in this case is to flood the board with minions that are not cheap enough to be removable by whirlwinds
when facing a lot hunters / zoo / paladin / most aggro deck - add whirlwind
creepers, muster for battles, imps, all the 2/1s, snakes
when facing a lot warrior / handlock - add second big game hunter
eh... kind of obvious
when facing a lot control-ish / midrange decks / especially druid - add black knight, considerable swap iron juggernaut with sylvanas
black knight chop chop (゚Д゚)ノ
bad match ups: priest, mech mage
Now let's talk about druid (got me from rank 2 to legend): deck / win-rate
when facing a lot of mech heavy decks / paladin / zoo / hunter / shaman - add second mind control tech
the nature of this deck is taunt up and have your opponent to do the trading instead of pointing your face
these flood the board type of deck is basically free minion for you to grab
plus it is not bad against others as well, I find a lot of people overlooked the second one (*´ω`)
when facing a lot warrior / handlock - same
the rest - add black knight
since now a lot of people carry it due to rise of druid
even it is not druid, belcher is more than good enough, and chopping a giant is the dream \(゜ロ\)(/ロ゜)/
this card is also very important when playing against
you always want to drop your cheaper cost taunt first to bait out black knight to save your ancient of war
why no dr.boom in this deck?
this card is certainly a very popular choice nowadays for most decks, therefore the increased number of big game hunters
if you look back at this deck, we have no card that is above 7 damage, so screw bgh haha, jk
back match ups: freeze mage, handlock, the summon a lot of copy mage from echo and duplicate (don't know the exact name, it is not really miling tho)
again, I encourage you to modify your deck to better adapt to the environment
there are numerous tools that can help you track your games, the one I'm using the hearthstone deck tracker
you can look back at the record to see what kinds of decks you're facing the most to adjust your cards
My stream: http://www.twitch.tv/eudemon
I don't have webcam right now, but I plan to adding one in the future
for now you may enjoy my play and my anime music collection (*'ω'*)
Good luck on the climb!
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