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About This File

this file guides you how to mod tduexe  a] for fast races in general like a champion  b]for mid-drag races that is for tracks with long straights and mid turns

see faster bots for more details  also for pure drag races see "koenigsegg dragrace" in near future i ll upload the final edited database for cars driven by bots

even faster results!!!!!!

B7C330     00 00 00 00 BE BE BE BE 00 00 BF BF 00 00 00 00

B7C340     FE FE FE FE 00 00 00 41 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

enjoy!!!! [download the attachment]

for better results download the new attachment [1mod for all tracks




championship exe.7z

1mod for all tracks.txt

AIConfig.xml AIConfig.xml

Edited by tasos007007

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