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Posts posted by sfy2004

  1. so it's good when THEY humiliated us with the game? I think you didn't read the latest qa as well which pointed out by eden they thought the game was alright. This game is binned not because it was to hurt them but to get noticed at last. Because the game is rubbish and they still don't know that.


    in exact terms, explain how this game humiliated you. as far as the latest BS QA they hit us with, i saw it. and replied in the "designated" reply thread that many believe should have been stickied......but thats a different topic.


    as for it being an attempt to "get noticed"....if you were in charge and you heard that a forum that claims maybe 4 or 5% of your TOTAL sales,was trying to get noticed by placing the sub forum for your game in their random nonsense sub-forum, would you really care? to be more specific......TDUCk claims around 28,000 members who signed up at some point in its history. somewhere i saw a rough estimate that TDU2 sold around 800-900,000 units. (numbers could vary)


    to be perfectly clear, in no way am i trying to disrespect TDUCk or the impact that it had on getting stuff mentioned to go in TDU2.

    but as i said before, there is always a right way and a wrong way to get things done. and no matter how i try to look at this, i fail to see how this could be viewed by ANYONE as the right way to do this.


    but enough. i've said more about this that i ever intended too. maybe my time here is coming to a close as i simply dont see eye to eye with the Mods or any of the people replying in here. i've said my piece, now i'm done.

  2. i never said they should move it. as for The Bin being dead, meh.


    there is always a right way and a wrong way to do things, and in my personal opinion this is the wrong way. i will never view an attempt at "humiliation" as the right way to go about things. in truth, if i was in charge of the game you would definitely NOT like my response to such things. they already announced the change in direction they are working towards, very easy to transfer the budget from one game to a different game.


    honestly, with the backlash they have already received, they really dont have much farther to fall. so just Binning the whole game and moving on really would not hurt them that much. every company has done it at some point, so its not like its a surprise when they announce that they made a mistake, have learned from it,

    and look forward to the next great release due shortly.


    so i guess my question would be this....why even try to give them a reason to do exactly that? it may hurt their short term bottom line, but they will recover.

    but for us...........we get the short end of the stick, officially.

  3. ya know, this reminds me of a kid i grew up with. if we didnt play the games the way HE wanted to play he would throw a fit, stomp home and throw his toys in the garbage. 'cause that would show us just how mad he was.


    after 34 years i thought i would never see such behavior again. clearly i was wrong.

  4. the only "comparison" i made was in referencing the FACT that many many games come out now that still need work done to get it where the community wants it. Atari does not owe you a single penny, farthing, shilling,quid ,drachma,kroner, peso, juan, euro or any other form of money.


    but what baffles me is you admitting that you spend time in real life griping about things you have no control over. its absolutely pointless.

    but whatever, thats your life and you lead it as you see fit.

  5. blah blah blah. i really enjoy the game, in spite of its flaws. sure there are things to be addressed, just like every other game made.

    but you wont find me in here crying whining and kvetching about things i have no personal control over.


    seriously, if YOU hate it that much, move on to a different game and spare us the nonsensical hatred towards the game. its only a game.

    do you spend this much time in real life griping about other things you cant control?

  6. manual transmission a novelty? depends on the class of car. been working in dealerships since 1988, driven more cars than i can possibly even guess.

    your not likely to find a manual tranny in a $50,000 and higher 4 door sedan, unless its labeled as a sports or performance package. and even then its more likely to be using a version of the Tiptronic clutchless manual. which is pretty fun to play with.

    but in a lower tier car such as a civic/corolla/cavalier the odds are pretty good of finding a stick shift.

  7. the only action on the tdu2 forums is Kalniel editing and locking threads. the way we have just been left in the lurch is a little disgusting, to be honest.

    i cast my vote in this poll based on good faith that they would at least drop a bone here and there. if it was not for the people i have met in the poker games, i would have left this game 2 or 3 weeks ago. the poker is the only thing i do anymore. literally, i log in, drive to the casino port, play a while then go back to O'ahu and drive the car back to the house.


    now we have an interesting new development to wory about....the tdu2 servers are registered to Cryptic Studios, and apparently they have been sold to a Chinese company Perfect World buys Star Trek Online maker Cryptic Studios- Destructoid


    so what does this bit of news mean for the future of the entire Test Drive series? and does this now affect your vote in this poll?

  8. i support Eden and its employees. having been on the bad side of "overstaffing and redundancy" myself, i know the fear it brings with it and the effect it has on a person physically and mentally.


    however, as there is ALWAYS two sides to a story, i cant make Atari out as a villain in this without knowing the whole story and how it got to this point. cant trust the press for things like this, they always have a slant toward one side or the other. neutrality in the press corps does not exist.

  9. 1. improve the communication between the players and the Developers. this is not a hard thing to do. in most game boards i looked at, there was a special sub-forum in which players could talk directly with the Developers and pass along actual information as opposed to relying on one person to handle all the questions and answers. Destra does as good of a job as can be expected, but he's only one person.


    2.create test servers and a sub-forum specifically for this. when a patch is nearing completion, make it available for download and let those of us who play help out with the testing and trouble shooting.

  10. i'll give it a year to get it straightened out before i break out the shot gun and blast it to pieces. some things take time to address, and i certainly dont expect miracles. but that does NOT mean i will sit by and keep playing if issues like hackers and club racing rammers dont get addressed real soon. it just means that after that deadline, if i'm still waiting for stuff to be fixed, the 12 Gauge gets to play.

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