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The Squid

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  1. He's being serious, i've seen it as well.. :)
  2. dude I wanna join ur awesome club.

  3. Thanks for the good news, still have some luck :D
  4. i want to be added in your group...my msn : [email protected] is it needy that i have anything else...??

  5. I want to join my ms

  6. It was amazing in my opinion, but I didn't see any cars on the road XD, one more thing is that im still not convinced on the driving physics, but they've improved on the last trailers which is a good thing. So for me it's a 7/10
  7. Fantastic write up, I enjoyed reading it. Well done and I can't wait to hear more about TDU. (Jelously kicking in)
  8. Here's mine: http://i49.tinypic.com/fypk7b.jpg [mod edit:] Please do not post images larger than 350KB, use a thumbnail or a text link instead, thanks!
  9. Teleport to me again please, i've connected to the other 2.
  10. Please could the people participating in this cruising event, TP to either JapaneseImports, Bluespace88 or Flow.
  11. Keep trying to connect to either me (JapaneseImports or Bluespace88)
  12. Me and BlueSpace are at the place now if you wan't to come MB.
  13. Is this still on?
  14. Alright made my mind up, Nissan 350Z (Stock). The Audi TT has 1,700 (point something) miles let's put some miles on the Nissan
  15. I'll be up for this cruise. JapaneseImports - Audi TT or Nissan 350Z. Thanks! EDIT: Is there a Ventrilo or something we can talk to each other one?
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