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Status Updates posted by ScoobSTi

  1. Possibly CS:GO for me. Or Arma 2 OA. If I had a 360, def FH.

  2. Yup, it's on it's way here. Gonna stay in and chill out with my cat. :p

  3. My power actually went out last night for 3 hours. Came back at around midnight. :p

  4. Hopefully this will help us? :hmmm:

  5. Are there any issues with the notifications drawer? If so, could you send me screenshots? Working on a huge update right now. :) Tahnks!

  6. Sweet. :) Still working on updates. I'll email/PM you if it's up.

  7. Why so many effects? Because Volvo S60 Polestar Concept. Avatar Sig You can add your own text. :p

  8. New update! :D Check the Drive folder.

  9. The music skins control iTunes. In the future, the settings skin will allow you to choose which one you want. The apps button glows when you hover, and quickly flashes blue when you click it. If it doesn't, something must be wrong.

  10. The 4.1.2 CM10 ROM for my phone now has 911 calling! :D Time to updgrade? :yay:

  11. I have no idea what I'm doing.

  12. XDA Developers seems a bit smug at times. To new members like me at least. It's a bit hard to understand things, and my phone isn't popular which makes things worse. I have however, got instructions, so I'll try it out either tomorrow or later in the week. Thanks! :)

  13. Thanks. :) I'll see when I have time to start it. Anyways, have you got some bizarre weather up there? My GNow update is making me smile a lot atm.

  14. Ah, ok. The update has to do with the weather icons, so it is quite important that I get it working right. Might upload a new update within the next few days.

  15. Update is up! :D Brand spankin' new (I need to stay off Jalopnik if I keep saying that :fp:) GNow is awesome. I've already got ideas for the next version, which might feature the "cards" the real GNow has. ;)

  16. Reveal yourself!

  17. How long does installing the new ROM take on your phone? I copied the CM10 ROM and the CWM recovery .ZIPs onto the phone's internal SD card. :)

  18. Ah, I see. Thanks! I might just do it on Friday, to save me any trouble if for instance I bork something on a day where I will always need my phone. :p

  19. Anything wrong with the skin so far?

  20. Just started backing up my phone data. :) Hopefully all goes well. :D

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