I had to deal with them when my 911 Turbo wheel broke for the first time and they replied literally within seconds. I've never had customer support like that. Even though since I live in Australia and they unfortunately can't deal with faulty fanatec wheels outside of Europe, he gave me an Australian reseller's number where I got my broken wheel shipped off and returned with a refurbished one free of charge. But being Australia, the person who repaired this wheel obviously didn't do an excellent job repairing it since It looks like I'm going to have to ship it over east again... :evil:
In my opinion, the Logitech G25/7 range are excellent for their reliability, compatibility and functionality. Everything you would expect from the continent in which they are made. Fanatec on the other hand lacks in most of those areas but excels in one area: Feel. After using both the Fanatec feels the best. (If you can ever manage to get it to work) The FF is so much more smooth as well as having the ability to rip your sodding hand off! Logitech is Toyota and Fanatec is Alfa Romeo. If you watch Top Gear, you'd know what I mean ;)
@Ryzza: I don't know if you like Ebay but there is a company on there called Paganian Imports. They are really, really good value. If you keep an eye on them, A GT2 will pop up. I got my turbo from them for AU$269.