INSERTED 04-01-2010
Because this was my first pack, it had some restrictions. Today I updated the pack and removed the player's car restriction. Also I added the class B & A bots so now you can pick A/B/C/D/E/F bots.
Download the updated version here:
Hi, I am Carda_NL, and today I am going to release my first mod for the best racesim around. This mod does not require you to run any program to install, neither does it require you to run any program in the background (it's just copy/paste).
Mod Type:
This mod can't be placed into one of the mod categories of this great website because it's not a vehicle or a rim but this mod introduces a new kind of mod (I think): New custom single player races with bots. In short: I now can create races (laps or single sprint) with bots anywhere on the Oahu map. These races show up in the single player game map and have gold as reward. Also I can change the car restriction of the player & the bots, and ofcourse the amount of traffic & bots too. :excited:
What's in the mod:
The upcoming mod contains 9 new single player races with bots. As almost each race game starts with some easy highway challenges, I started with the highways surrounding Honolulu and its airport. The first two races are easy cornering but the further you go the harder the tracks become. These 9 races will have a class F restriction on the player so its time to get your series F cars back from the farmshed you dropped 'm in. When this pack is released I'll make these races also available for other classes of cars.
What kind of selections are offered:
All 9 tracks can be raced with the following options to the player
*) Race against 2, 3 or 5 bots.
*) Heavy, medium or no traffic involved in the race
*) You can select the class of vehicles you want to race against (C, D, E or F). While driving the SSL can give a good race against class F bots but a tuned Audi needs at least class D or C opponents to have a fair race.
You got me warmed up. Please show me the races:
How and where to find the races when they are installed:
There are 3 ways to accomplish this. The 2 easy ways are with use of the bookmarks function of TDU.
Very easy way to start a race: Open the game map in single player and go to he 'Bookmarks' tab. Then you'll see the 9 races shine in and southeast of Honolulu. On the right part of the map screen you get the race title and a little picture of the racemap.
Go to the game map and select Bookmarks. That's one way to select a race
Another way to start a race is by hitting the 'P' key. Then select Bookmarks and List. You'll see the race titles sorted.
Hit the 'P' and select bookmarks, then LIST.
Find where to start the races the hard way (but without use of bookmarks):
If you don't want to use the bookmark function because you want to keep your own bookmarks all the time and not willing to make a backup of them, you can also enter the races from the game map in 'show challenges' mode. Set a filter to restrict to class F only races. In the .JPG included in the pack you can find the 9 racemaps too and in their lower-left corner you can always find the location on the normal game map where to start the race you like. Note: I can't give my races their own names on the standard gamemap. So most of 'm are called 'a challenge between friends' but the distance and rest are correct.