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  1. Hi Guys, Is this club still active? If so, I would like to join. Protospleen. :) I also don't play every day, but definitely a few times a week or so.
  2. A fellow South African? ;) Sup!!

    1. Thanks for the quick reply Diablo...sorry for not reading everything, this thread is massive now. :) Glad you mentioned the braking issue tho...it's super annoying. Would be SO nice to have that sorted out in TDU2. :)
    2. Not sure if these have been mentioned, but here's my 2 idea's 1) Braking sensitivity needs major improvement....I hate it that, regardless of speed, touching the brakes even slightly causes the car to start screeching to a grinding halt. It would be nice to be able to just slow down... 2) I really enjoy parking my car at a dealership/house/location myself... but then when you 'enter' it shows another animation of you parking. I think it would be cool to be able to do that(if you want)...but also allow you to park yourself, get out of the car and walk up to the door for 'instant' access into the building. :D The 2nd one is mostly cosmetic...but the 1st one is a major issue that I think really needs to be addressed. It's SO annoying. Thanks. :)
    3. Hmmm....must admit that's very annoying. I hope this gets fixed in TDU2! I'll search for that mod... but if anyone has a link it would be great. :)
    4. Hi All, I've loaded up TDU and so far so good... very cool game. I have a few questions and issues...but 1 that is really annoying me! I enjoy racing, and I also enjoy just cruising around... but I don't know how to adjust the brake sensitivity so that I can actually just push the brake and slow down smoothly... it seems that, regardless of whether I'm going 200km/h or 60km/h.... touching the brake(even lightly) causes the wheels to lock(at least it sounds like it) and I come to a screeching stop?! It seems very unrealistic.. For info, I use logitech Momo wheel. How do I fix this? I'd like to be able to just...well....slow down. Thanks
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