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  1. I've figured zmodeler out pretty well and have modified a lot of cars and can import lots of stuff as long as I use in game textures but that really limits me. I've tried my hands at converting other models into true format with one massive problem I can't get a strait solution to... I know how to convert 2nd to dds and back again... One problem. I can't seem to make a readable dds file... every time I edit a dds file and save it and try to put it back in game when that texture file is read the game crashes... I've decided that it has to be in the dad's format that I'm saving the file in... I've searched high and low for hours trying to find information on this and it seems those who know won't tell anybody. I could get some pretty cool car mods in the game if someone could just help me with dds format. I'm currently using gimp 2 for editing it seems to be the most recommended editor for tdu dds files... If you know of a tutorial that explains this or if you don't want this information in the open but would like to help just send me a personal message. If you want it kept a secret that's fine I just want to add some cool cars into the game that I know a lot of people would really enjoy.
  2. Special thank you to mitkop81 and binbow for all their help. They both have their hands full so I've tried to help the community by making both tools compatable. I will try my best to keep this stuff up to date with both packs. This fix works with the new vehicle property editor and the new dream pack. Not sure if it will work with older versions or not. vpe 2070 dream pack fix known issues: -bugatti centenaire: has error loading and you can't edit but the stats are all controlled by changing the grand sports stats so this shouldn't be a big problem. -Lexus LFA: has error when reading the brand code and will change dealership tag and cause error -1. The error code can be removed by going to name tag and adding LEXUS before the name LFA. You can change brand to Lexus but game still reads wrong. Enjoy!
  3. So I was going to mess around with replacing a traffic car with a new model... have you guys played with this? To me it would seem like using that I'd would trigger the game to also add that vehicle to traffic... interesting concept and might be a cool way to add new cars. This is all theoretical because I haven't tried anything yet. I do see one downfall to this... traffic cars will have invisible people in them and traffic car models will have much higher polys so this may drag on performance of the game... I'm going to test it out and let you know what happens... another issue is taking the car to the other island... game may crash but this bug may be due to model files being located in spacific islands bnk file... I'll do a little playing and see what happens... I believe The game crash issue would be an easy fix but sense it's no longer trying to read the traffic model it may not crash. Either way If I'm correct a crash could be fixed by adding the traffic models from one island to the other (if not named the same of course) Let me know if this has been tried and, what problems were presented. This would give you guys a lot more car ids to work with but not sure if the physics would be totally editable.
  4. As promised VEHICLE PROPERTY EDITOR ver2.0.7.0 car list files This should fix the errors that are coming up when editing your cars. you can now access all dealerships and move things around and new cars are viewable/editable. vpe 2070 dream pack fix file contains: readme.txt db_data.dec Tdu2DBCarList.xml Special thanx to Mitkop81 and Binbow for their help! Know Bugs: Known bugs: -LFA comes up with an error code -1 but this is caused by the brand code issue you may edit this car if the error bothers you change the brand under name to Lexus and error code will be gone NOTE: Brand does not show up in game and wrong icon is displayed on dealership -Bugatti Centenaire will not work. but stats for this car are controled by Grand Sport stats. Just edit grand sport stats and it should change performance stats for Centenaire NOTE: car spacific features such as rims and skins and other detail cannot be edited at this time sorry
  5. Okay... I know I got one of those to work in the editor I'll just copy and paste the ids to the others see if they work... The editor allows for more than just stats changing so that's why I want to make sure all cars are editable... things like performance stats are linked though but there is still a lot that is individually editable. It's a nice little tool for quick easy editing. I use it for model testing mainly. Easier for me to just stick in the new model name and test. Main reason I downloaded it was an easy way to re-organize dealerships. --- Post Updated --- By the way: Ferrari 288 gto, Ferrari gtb4 daytona, and lamborghini miura would make nice additions *wink wink* I know there are mods already out there of those. Haven't seen the miura but I'm working on one if interested. I'd need stargt's magic touch to make it perfect though!
  6. For those of you who use the vehicle property editor 2.0 I'm almost finished with the files needed to make that work with the new car pack. I have everything working and readable in game except the bugattis just waiting on the new id's for these cars and I will release a link to the new data files for the editor.
  7. There are a lot of cars it could be... db5 Mercedes clk jag xj220 or even a classic porsche... no matter what it is you can bet it will be great! These guys are doing a great job!
  8. Get binbow's vehicle property editor... This will fix your problem. Makes a great way to mod your game. To do what you are trying to do take the new models name and change it to what you want. So say it's evora.bnk make it willy.bnk or bob.bnk or whatever you want. This way it doesn't overwrite an original game file. Make sure high model med model and interior model are all named the same Ex: High = Bob.bnk Med = bob_med.bnk Interior = bob_i.bnk Place those files in the right folders. Now open up vehicle property editor. Under (I believe) misc tab. It should be the page with price and class. Open up the section that says something about sensitive data (sorry it's not in front of me so I may have wording wrong) look where it says model name... now change that to your cars name. Hit apply and go find that car in game... you can also use property editor to rename that car. Now that you have your model in game you still have the same wheel issue... This is really easy... so figure out what you new model was made to replace if it replaced the evora go to the evora specs and click on the dimensions tap. Go down click copy and it will copy all specs for the tab you are on (not all car specs you'll have to copy page by page if you want all specs). Now go back to your car. Click paste then apply. Your wheels should now be in the right place. In Issue May remain. You cameras may be in the wrong place. I don't know if the new version of property editor still looks for camera I'd but if it does this is a little tricky... Okay open every tab and go to sensitive data tab again.... look for the camera Id value. Write this down. Okay now go to your model and change you camera I'd to this value but also write down the car id value for your car... you will need to know this because you'll get an error the next time you load your car. This is the issue people are having loading up the new auto pack with property editor. Find you tdu2carid.xlm file (almost sure that's the name of it) this is the file vehicle property editor uses to looks up car info. Open this file with a text editor. Now search for your car id when you find your car it will show the name and car id cam id and car id 2. Change cam id to the new value. This will fix the vehicle property error if it won't reload your car after changing camera id. WARNING! The best thing to do before you do anything is back up your db_data.bnk file. This, is the file vehicle property editor changes... Hope this helps if you need any help personal message me. I'm currently working on making a classic car mod both adding in new cars and replacing old
  9. Okay so for weeks now I've been battling issues... I'm very close to figuring this all out. Finally got my model in game but I have one major issue... When car is in dealership it excellent... I can change paint and everything... When I purchase it and leave dealership or go on test drive the paint is different... When I take it to sticker shop I can't change color or use stickers... but when I change paint type (glossy, matte, carbon) the color changes... any clue what I'm missing or doing wrong?
  10. Depends on if people hack cracked the files. For a is X box only game... but most the new models are converted from forza3-4. It can be kind of a pain I'm fighting with textures on the models at the moment but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Is probably something simple I'm overlooking. They keep coming up black in game and can't paint but from everything I'm reading it should be a simple fix in material editor.
  11. Do in some work with the team these guys are doing awesome work... I'm more of an old school guy myself and have a bunch of classics I've worked on and added to my game... I will be putting some finishing touches on stuff and submitting it so they can concentrate on what 90% of people love and want. I will do my best to please the other 10% :-)
  12. So I've rounded up a few models. Several American muscle cars and a few tuners. Soon I'll be re-organizing things and changing some stuff. My question for everybody is would you miss an A class this is the two lower alfas and the golf gti. Sense the gti falls more of a tuner car I may keep it but beef it up a bit make it more fun to drive and make a7 closer to an a4 class but with tuner cars like a 240z change the skyline to fit that class as well as the supra. I found an rx7 as well. I'm not a big tuner fan but I know there are guys out there who enjoy them. When playing online I never see anybody in a7's so why not change it to make it fun. Would anybody miss the c2v? I was going to beef up the vw beetle and make it a little bit faster (not a lot) and majorly increase the handling so it's no longer on slick tires... I will add a few new cars to the game as well but it's a lot easier to replace old ones and why not get rid of cars nobody uses. If there are any objections to deleting certain cars let me know. I don't plan to change any cars above a4 and won't touch any of the c class cars. Off road vehicles will be getting a change as well I have a few fun cars to add. Suspension height will be changed on the h3 And jeep... they don't look like off road vehicles sitting so low. I was also toying the the idea of making the classic cars off road capable. Though they will have about 80% traction on dirt. I'm very open to suggestions and comments so please feel free to voice your opinions. I want to make the mod something people want and enjoy. I think I'll leave more of the super cars to the other models they are doing a great job and even though I enjoy them I'm not as into them and probably won't do them justice.
  13. need help figuring out how to add colors to cars in dealerships... I have no problem adding in the cars but they all come up pink. I believe this has to do with no value set in db_data.cpr it appears there are color names listed for certain cars they never added but no values with them... can anybody help me with this? the help is much appreciated if you can. this is one of my only hang ups at the moment. or at the very least is there a way to change the default pink color to another color. if all the new cars appeared white in the dealership I'd be fine with that anybody can take them to a paint shop but the pink is just awful looking lol.
  14. The reason you can't get the property's editor to work right is because when you changed the names and values you car list file changed... If you can give your copy of that file in the property's editor folder to the creator of the property editor it should work fine. I've done some changing of values myself and I've found I only need three files... The db_data.cpr tdu2dbcarlist.xml and db_data.dec Db_data.dec isn't as important as it can be created from db_data.cpr but it is the file that is used by the property editor to look up stats. The property editor does not directly access db_data.cpr it edits db_data.dec because it is deciphered then that file becomes db_data.cpr when you hit apply... Please correct me if I'm wrong... but if you gave you db_data file and tdu2dbcarlist files to the creator of property editor it would allow more people to use your mod because the property editor would be updated to work with you mod... make sense? That the only thing holding people back from using your patch... otherwise nice work... If your interested I've found a way to change the pink slip cars... I was going to make a mod that did this but could be a cool addition to your own mod if you'd like a little help --- Post Updated --- What might be easier is to include db_data.dec and tdu2dbcarlist.xml under a different download link for those who want to use property editor with your mod. I think the more people making mods will make it too difficult for BENBOW to keep up with all the changes. We should just include these files with our mods.
  15. Will do! Soon as I get in touch with a couple creates of the models I want to use I'll be posting some pictures.
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