Haha, how did I know you weren't going to let it go. Your first post was completely useless. Someone had already answered the question. Your second post was completely useless. Just defending your first useless post. And now your third post is guess what? Completely useless. You are struggling to defend your second useless post, with yet another wall of text.. I can't really fault you though. When people with to much time on their hands post on forums they tend to start fights for no reason. Out of sheer boredom. Maybe you weren't raging like an infant.
Course with "a little logical thinking", you would of realized you didn't need to parrot what Acid had said 12 hours beforehand. Or maybe you did, I don't know. Maybe you like repeating things needlessly. Maybe you can explain why you posted in the first place. Cause I can't figure it out. In fact if you can explain this one to me, you sir win the argument.
Pissy? Screw me? Sounds like someone got his feelings hurt and needs to justify his third useless post.. But, you are entertaining me so I'll let it slide.
Two choices? I want to see how far this goes. I will choose door number two. Thank you.