Hi, I've just replaced 3 vehicle slots (1 from unlocked slots and 2 from TDUCP slots), and so far everything is working fine. However, I would like to ask regarding cameras. Some of the unlocked slots and all of the TDUCP slots, I cannot change camera settings individually (like adjusting Hood, Hood Back, Cockpit, etc). I can only change camera set and IK set only. My question is, is there any way to set camera for RHD vehicles other than using this method, or I should just put RHD cars on the slot that is able to tweak camera settings? This is my only concern since I will put might a lot of RHD vehicles.
Oh and another bug, It seems that after applying this patch, repetitive cars in one shop have invisible bodies, like in the Ford shop. I can check and buy the first Mustang GT, but the other Mustang GTs in the shop will have invisible bodies
But so far, I like your patch! I will patiently wait for individual camera slots so I can add some SUVs.