Ok let me tell you my problem once again, I will try to put it in the most simple way I can.
I am playing game.
I am testing all cars one by one.
To test cars I often pick one straight road on top left corner of map.
When I "teleport" there and test cars there is most of times traffic like it should be.
However sometimes when I click on same spot of map when doing other testing of speed there is NO TRAFFIC at all, and they don't return til I completely restart the game.
Also when I am driving normally and see traffic, sometimes after few minutes of cruising cars just disappear and there are no more ANY cars on streets.
I am on street all alone.
I can't quit game normal way when there is no traffic on streets (when I click quit game, there is just black screen and nothing happens, I need to FORCE exit by task manager)
Do you understand now what I mean?