Hello, i'd like to introduce myself first.
I'm MrBiskuit, I pretty damn young gamer and someone who is seeking help with TDU2.
My friend and I have been searching for a few days for any way of swapping cars in your savegame by editing the hex code... we failed miserably. So after a while I thought to myself: "If the guys that made the unofficial patch were able to switch out/add cars in a dealership then surely with some time and effort I must be able to aswell." Oh how ignorant I am. So I turned to this lovely forum which has already helped me a little bit over the past few days with installing / uninstalling mods. So after this long ass story here's my question: Is it possible to hex edit the pc savegame so you can change your owned cars? If not is anyone willing to show me how to edit the dealerships so I can choose which cars go where.
Greetings, MrBiskuit