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Posts posted by DJ_Edyo

  1. Here it is, another nice and sexy texture mod for TDU !!! The Shell gas station remix !!!


    This work is inspired out of the original work of Iced_Bullet and Carda's to make them look more familiar when using fuel mod.


    Plus, for the ones using fuel mod, here is the map bookmarks to find the gas stations locations in-game !


    All info on how to install is included in the readme.txt file.


    Have Fun Folks !!!











  2. Same here, finding to much dead link around those forums, for the latest years, stupid sharing site taking down there services without notices (yeah ! im looking at you, GameFront and DropBox) anyway, at least mega.co.nz if back for sure since its now off-shore and working whit copyrights laws.


    Anyway, if someone would be kind to re-upload these or share a link in comments, It would be appreciated ! :)

  3. DLL injections, really !? i can understand that is the easiest way to to mess around a game exe without modifying it, but some anti-virus can detect this as an infection, because that's how most virus works these days to operate... but anyway if its how they made it, il check to make it work whit it.


    Anyway, patching and compiling a new .exe, should not have an effect on the DLL injection because i will leave the code structure exactly as it was and should not induce the injection process into any error, i will just find and edit the lines that define the values of max stake and max miles for challenges (if its there).


    tho, im looking at this decompiled game exe now and i don't have any clue where to find those values. feeling a bit annoyed there, if any Project Paradise members would reply on this tread to let me know how you did your work or how you figured out how to made it via DLL injections, so i may get a clue where to search first or maybe instead do my work based on there DLL so i could just remake a remodded DLL of there work + the mods i want to add, it would be appreciated ! ;)

  4. Since the last seen released version of Project Paradise, it came more and more clear to me that maybe we will never see the light to a fix to the multiplayer races lobby's/ Racing clubs/Drive-In's and Online Trades, but at least, Project Paradise gave us back the Instant Challenges, and i was wondering, mabe we could at least do one thing that could add more playability to the instant challenges.


    Could it be possible to modify the Instant Challenges minimum and maximum miles distances set when we set them ?


    I think this could be fun for players and be an interesting addition to the gameplay since all the other multiplayer game modes are now missing.


    Personally, i would love to bet around 75$K or more to do above 15 kilometers of challenge haha ! :D

  5. Never mind, i figured out it was nothing to do whit the DXT5 formatting but the actual alpha channel called Alpha 1 in Photoshop that was messing the picture, had simply deleted it and copied on of the rgb channels into it and called it again Alpha 1 and it did the trick, i will publish my Login screen soon ! :)

  6. well, i got the format type good by using DXT5 in the format options, for the mipmap counts im not sure what it means or what i should modify to get it, picture size now normal in-game when i did my first try whit DXT5, but now colors gets all screwed up lol, i tryed then to mess with different options in the Mip maps setting and normal maps setting but it tends to just give me wrong colors or to crash the game in certain cases xD


    What am i doing wrong here ?

    Does keeping original file size matters something here ?

  7. Okay my gess that it was in the options of the DDS formating is true at least, but where do i get the original texture format information from ? Because originally i had simply opened the file and edited and saved it back while conserving original MIP maps, so if i could get the good options to select before saving to save the file down correctly, it would be perfect plz ! :p

  8. Hello Folks,

    im kinda new in editing TDU, but im able to move quite good around the files thanks to the tools set you guys given us to edit those nasty .BNK files.


    however, even after a first success to make my first custom texture for this game (made a custom plate, yay !), i wanted to make another custom texture for the Login screen located in FrontEnd/LowRes/LOG_IN.BNK & FrontEnd/HiRes/LOG_IN.BNK it turned out to weird when i tried to mess whit the fla_0013.2db file.


    I did all of my editing in Photoshop and when i try to save it and re-upload it back to the .BNK is give me this problem where the game texture is gone all scewed up no scaling as expected and the picture in duplicates in the screen. and i have in no idea in what format i need to save this picture to make it scale up correctly !


    if anybody could help me whit this or maybe do a little tutorial, it would be really appreciated.


    if explaining it to me to much is to hard to do and someone would be more comfortable to convert the file correctly for me, here is the picture in question:


    I could not put the direct link since im new, so add the H T T P after this to go to the picture in question: i64.tinypic.com/2nsmkgn.jpg

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