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    GillianSeed reacted to Milli in [RELEASED] Test Drive Unlimited Platinum - v1.21   
    Time to re-discover the island of Oahu.
    TDU Platinum pursue the objective to be more than a collection of many different mods in a pack, the objective is to deliver a whole new experience, a whole new way to play with endless possibilities to choose at your own demand, ready to go.
    The work being done is beyond the gathering of different vehicles, sounds and gauges from different online websites and packing them together, it goes further to new physics, brand new weather, compatible with HDiR, new world textures and also new music for background and radio statios.


    New Physics Over 880 vehicles Correct color names Dedicated camera for each vehicle New weather - HDiR compatible New map textures New radio stations Easily moddable Easy installation Optional Russian language Toolkit  

    How to install (By No_Longer_Tipsy):

    Modders and special mentions
    Djey Speeder Pator5 Minime891 Mondodimotori TDUZoqqer Combat-Shotgun Norby931 Miha2795 Tool831 2CV SUPER GT StarGT PhatPunk Reventon09 DriverTDU Takumi Acvet06 Doctor G DjoyTinnio Urban iLLusion Zebukas FenixZ Kvrt666 VDVS Opelos_HUN Tob-Racer MagicV8 Rulezzz Ryzza5 VDV522 XtensoJDM t0m3k911 scuderia458 =Comp@ct= Sourkho And many other who have worked to keep TDU alive and interesting for so many years.  

    TDUCk HF Garage TDULOG :: Test Drive Unlimited tdu.net.ru Drivers-paradise Without everyone, TDU Platinum wouldn't be anything more than a dream, so, all those people deserve a round of applause and we'll meet somewhere in Hawaii.


    -Always remember to make a backup of your game before you perform any modification.
    - For existing profiles, it's recommended to sell your vehicles and stay only with an Alfa Romeo GT BEFORE you install TDU Platinum. 
    - If you're not feeling like selling all vehicles, just drive off the house with an Alfa Romeo GT BEFORE you install TDU Platinum, but this method might crash your game once you check some vehicles in the garage.

    - Original copy of TDU installed
    - CPU: Pentium 4/Athlon XP or better
    - CPU SPEED: 3 GHz
    - RAM: 2 GB
    - OS: Windows 2000/XP and above
    - VIDEO CARD: 512MB Video Card with Pixel & Vertex Shader 2.0 (NVIDIA GeForce 7600+ / ATI Radeon X1600+)
    - 3D: Yes
    - HARDWARE T&L: Yes
    - PIXEL SHADER: 3.0
    - VERTEX SHADER: 3.0
    - DIRECTX VERSION: DirectX 9.0c included
    - SOUND CARD: Yes

    - Additional Google Drive link

    --->  Update Patch

      Q. Why does some vehicles display an absurd Top Speed?
    That's because how TDU was codded. Sadly, to get the gear ratios to work as they should, you must set the car's Top Speed as the top gear speed. Which means, the maximum speed that the final gear could achieve, regardless of it's power or drag. Usually, vehicles that have an "Overdrive gear" will display absurd values, since the last gear is really long, with the porpouse of fuel saving.
     Q. Ok, but why it is actually the Top Speed value is lower than the final gear speed?
    That's because TDU, by standard, adds around 10% more top speed. So, if a car final gear speed is 330 km/h, if you set as 300 km/h, in-game the car will reach 330 km/h. Now, if you set 330 km/h, the car will actually be faster than it should, and will reach 363 km/h.
    Deducting 10% of the speed makes not only the final gear accurate, but every gear will top at the correct speed, if your gear ratios are correct, which means the speed you need to shift will also be accurate.
    Q. Why the car classes are broken and i have overpowered vehicles for it's class?
    Because that was the easiest way i found to get these high-power tunes and keep the game "easily moddable".  TDU will only understand a car class change if it reads a new entry on the database. That being said, i would need 4 entries in the car database, for 1 single vehicle, 1 entry being it stock, and 1 new entry for each tune kit.  That means instead of 880 vehicles, i would need at least 3520.  Not to mention that if someone decides to modify that 1 vehicle, they will need to modify the tuning its aswell.  
    That not only means it would take a long time, but that it would make the game much more complex to be modded, so i used the original upgrade system, that's based on % increase of the base vehicle, but sadly, it doesn't support class changes.
     Q. The traffic in my game is being glitchy and invisible, what do i do?
    In the Project Paradise Laucher, make sure to enable V-Sync, to lock your fps to 60. The game won't do well with higher fps.
     Q. The game is displaying too much brightness, what i did wrong?
    Usually the dealerships display a higher brightness than the road environment. But also, that could be caused by FX Tweak being enabled in Project Paradise Launcher. TDU Platinum weather system was developed to not require FX Tweak, if you enable it in the launcher, it may override the weather files.
     Q. The physics have been changed, but they seem the same?
    That's because the physics engine is the same, but TDU allows each car to have their individual physics worked on, and that's what's been changed. To match real data, because TDU has messed it up even on the original game.
     Q. TDUPE is not working?
    Yes it is, but unfortunately i've stumbled across an issue i thought i would have. This issue happens when the database has over a thousand entries, which is the case, since TDU Platinum's database has 1105 entries. So, to use TDUPE, you must follow these steps:
    To run TDUPE, you must open it as admin. Point your TDU database directory in the settings and click load. Once it has loaded the database, search for the Custom Car you replaced in the car list. Modify and Click save. (That is when the problem starts.) Because TDUPE can't deal with more than 1000 entries in the database, it will make the game crash, to fix that issue, you must open TDU Modding Tools File Browser. Extract the CarPhysicsData.db, located inside the DB.bnk. Decrypt CarPhysicsData.db using TDU UT (this tool i did not provided, but it can be found on the forums) Open it using notepad and set the number of "Items" as 1105, save and close. Encrypt the file again, using TDU UT. Replace the new CarPhysicsData.db inside the DB.bnk.  
       Q. Do i need the game or this is a standalone game?
    No! You need the game first, this is a mod and won't work on it's own.  

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    GillianSeed reacted to Milli in [RELEASED] Test Drive Unlimited Platinum - v1.21   
    Cars are done, bikes are done, V-Rent is done, now i am working on car delivery missions, because not all mission allow well the modification, for some unknown reason. 
  3. Like
    GillianSeed reacted to Milli in [RELEASED] Test Drive Unlimited Platinum - v1.21   
    Almost. Just replace the Zenvo with Wiesmann. Lol But it's about 30 cars to finish this step. Then i will adjust some world textures, adjust the car delivery missions and car rentals. But yeah... finally. Lmao
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    GillianSeed reacted to Milli in [RELEASED] Test Drive Unlimited Platinum - v1.21   
    Toyota and TVR done. Now, time to move on to Volkswagen. 

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