I can understand why coding a game can take longer than expected. Why they have to redo code bcause M$ sends it back. All this I do not care about.
What I do care about is a company who lies about their products making you fork over money and then changes their minds making you fork over more.
What if they change their stance and say that you have to pay 350 points for this next DLC-pack stating, that HC mode will be included there? Then there is a bug and HC mode doesn't work, so they make another update and you have to pay for that?
While not totally unthinkable, this scenario is obviously not the way things are, but if you let Atari, who is in it for the money, roll over you without static like this, then you will eventually see them figuring out little ways to squeeze a little more money out of the consumers.
While a pound for you may not be a lot, remember that for Atari this means 100.000s of pounds, and that is reason enough for them to speculate in this.
And if this money was spent on TDU2 then all the more power to them, but this money goes to the publisher. Not the developer. Eden made the game. Eden should be praised for making a great game. The money however....
No wonder the Driver series moved on to other places. And thank Bob that Epic moved the Unreal series to Midway.