Yeah yeah, what a nice gesture of Sony, but as Nipper said, it's the only way they can shift them.. I was one of the ignorant little Danes, who though we would be getting the PS3 in 2006 (I don't remember the month.) for a small amount of money. Around 3-4000 Danish Kroner, where a pound is around 11 Kroner. Then I found out it was 5500 Kroner, and I just thought that Sony could walk home with their big price tags, pathetic machines, etc.
Has anyone on this board tried the PS3? The joypad is almost a replica of the 360's. The same middle button with the PS/360 logo, that does exactly the same. And the same L-R Buttons at the back, with springs in them, so you in driving games, can accelerate without having to floor it.
Oh well, now you got half of my life story. But the bottom line is, that it's just a publicity stunt from Sony. (Big surprise, well said Eagle)
But I don't think that the PS3 runs very decent without a HDTV.
So that's probably the reason.