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Everything posted by S71NG3R

  1. The best part about this forum is you can read all about TDU without reading a hundred posts about what people think of Atari :D The community is the best I have seen since forums began and it's nice to see we all get on. :D
  2. As the patch is out soon I will post an updated list of club members here later. If you do not see your name and you want to be in the club then PM me or Timo. We will arrange to meet you in the game so we can invite you to the club. Timo have you got any members that have joined your club house? I will make an announcement here soon with new ideas for how the club will work. So if anyone has any ideas for the club or events they would like to do then let us know. Thank you for being patient but we could not run any events with the connection problems we have now. So here's to hoping the patch will fix the problems. :cheers:
  3. As there are still major connection problems I think we must wait for the patch before we go cruising.
  4. Cool, hopefully you will be able to drive at a steady speed and not crash out all the time. ;)
  5. Thanks again for the update. :) Well I think we all had an idea deep down it would be late. ;) But any news is good news at this stage. About the cars, well I guess we can't complain if they are free. It would be good if they just say what we can expect in the future. Like all cars will always be free or what they will cost and what ones will be available to download. It will give us something to look forward to and keep the game alive. Now the bad part is can we keep the interest high until the patch is out?
  6. In the PC version you can select manual gears in the player profile options. Don't know if it is the same for the Xbox 360, just look at all the options and you will find it. I had a problem getting the controller to work. It is always a problem with their games. In the end I just kept setting up the controls and saving it. It worked ok after about 1/2 hour of trying :(
  7. Hi welcome to the community :) What is Lag....? Now that's a good question to ask. From my online racing days we were always trying to understand this. When racing online the last thing we needed was lag. We spent many years trying to full understand it and stop it happening. Unfortunately it was never going to happen with 56K modems or slower. :( Then when broadband first appeared we thought this was the answer we were looking for. Ok it dose help but not as much as we hoped. I will try and explain as simple as possible:- From what we understood lag is when your computer loses information to show where the position of another persons car is that you are connected to. This means it's like a horse that's lost his jockey, the computer displays the car in a random way until it gets information from the computer it is connected to. The only way to stop this is to have a perfect connection 100% of the time you are connected together. But in the real world that is not always possible so you will always get this problem. But if everyone had mega broadband this would help because if someone connects with a 56K modem then you will amplify the problem. I hope this is clear to understand, remember this is just how we understood lag so there could be a official answer out there somewhere ;)
  8. All I can say is it was more or less than you think ;) :p
  9. No just no cruises at this time. As I've said before I've been very busy lately so I have not done a cruise for a few weeks. When the patch is out and if it fixes the problems then I will do proper organized events in here and for the club. Until then just have fun, there is lots to do. Why don't you try and become Champ or Ace. ;)
  10. I use FRAPS but it dose hit the FPS by half or more most of the time.
  11. Here is a video of some fun we had, just how fast is the McLaren's 0-60 time? ;)
  12. Don't know if you all have seen this http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=BBCWorldwide&p=r&page=5 Some Top Gear vids and others :)
  13. Thanks Diablo for the update :D I'm glad they posted something over on the Atari forums, things are getting out of control there. Some very nasty comments were made to people just doing their job. :rolleyes: I'm very glad we have a friendly community here :D
  14. Sorry there have not been any cruises lately I've been busy training as I am being made redundant at the end of September. I have to do my training in my own time so I don't know when I will be online. So I think it will be best to just jump to me if you see me online and want to go on a cruise.
  15. I don't think the next one will be until the patch is out. Then if it fixes the problems then we can do another one. The game is amazing even with the bugs so just think how good it will be if they fix all the problems. It will be almost impossible to race before the patch because when there are over 6 people the game is just too laggy to race. So lets hope the patch (when/if it comes out) fixes all the problems, then the fun can really begin ;)
  16. Sorry I've got a bit delayed today so the cruise will now be at 9pm UK time if the game is working now.
  17. Yes it's the xbox one, it's the only one we have I think.
  18. Yes looks like tonight is off. The server is dead so we will try again tomorrow. So Sunday (tomorrow) will be V8 day now, same time same place. I will try and connect later so if you find me driving around and want to hook up for some fun then just jump to me. They had better fix this game fast before everyone gives up. :rolleyes:
  19. Yes this is a very good idea I'm interested :D
  20. Here is my video I didn't think it was possible but it's here so sit back, turn it up and enjoy :D
  21. Very cool video Martijn thanks :D I gave it a rating ;) Mine is just uploading now so stay tuned, after lots of cutting I hope what is left is good ;)
  22. Cool thanks Martijn, I can't view it at work but I will watch it when I get home :D I've managed to salvage some footage and put a short video together so I will put it on you tube later today. ;)
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