Too long, cba reading the paragraph below? -> What age would you let your (future) children play GTA?
With the next-gen GTAV releases coming soon, I've been discussing with parents at work the whole 'would you let your children play GTA' question which has been discussed since GTA was released.
Due to the the main audience on this forum being 16-25, and everyone knowing and almost everyone ignoring the 18+ age limit the game has, I think it'd be interesting to ask those that were brought up with GTA what age they'd allow their child to play GTA from.
My parents were always very lenient with it to be honest, I remember playing Doom on the N64.
The years GTA were released:
- Vice City (2002)
- San Andreas (2004)
- IV (2008)
- V (2013)
I can't remember if I got Vice City at the same time as San Andreas, as I'd have been 8-9 when Vice City was released which seems way too young tbh.
This isn't necessarily about the games being a bad example, keep in mind the whole 'kids should be kids' and the fact games like GTA can open a child's eyes to maturity long before they need to be.
You don't really have to stick to GTA as the main game example either, I remember my mum taking Resident Evil off of me and putting in a draw until 'i was older' :lol: Even though I was playing GTA at the time.