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Status Updates posted by CarMadMike

  1. Awww, thats such a cute doggy that timmy linked too =P O, and hai there andai *waves* xD

  2. No problem, I'm glad to have helped you =)

  3. cya - have a great time :)

  4. Not sure if i'll have the time, god knows lol

  5. depends on what kind of project =P

  6. How are you today? :)

  7. Sorry about seing such an erm, *thinks of a lighter word as to not get in trouble* complete and utter idiot the other day, i was in a crap mood and took it out on you Sorry

  8. happy birthday! :)

  9. Oi you, get your ARSE (:p) onto MSN lol

  10. Thanks, thats what i get for making a joke about being gender confused to a moderator lol

  11. :( you mean

  12. thanks, its coz im a total muppet lol

  13. *prods back*

  14. wow, we agreed on something :p

  15. well, diablo's replied, lets hope it stops ;)

  16. Hmmh, they all don't help the case really, it takes two to tango, they should all just leave the thread as they obviously don't have anything constructive to say.

  17. Not for me to say, plus this is public ;)

  18. I'm not saying he's brilliant, but he's not the worse one of the lot @rolleyes: Anyway, it's for the staff to decide, not us lol

  19. Meh, i do not share the same view on that tbh

  20. Mb is australian? :p

  21. noooo, well i hope things get up and running soon

  22. you only just noticed? :p

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