Merry Christmas to you all here.
As some of you may have noticed or even told, I've decided to leave (Temporarily or permanently, I don't know) TDU-C for an indefinite period of time.
No, nothing here's cheesed me off, I'm just leaving for personal reasons.
Decided to leave on Christmas as, well, I wanted to stay for the festivities that usually occur throughout this madhouse.
To all those who'd say, "If you're gonna leave, just leave. We're not interested in your goodbyes". To them I say, I've been here for a good long time. Longer than any other forum which I've joined. I've made many friends here and I feel that's a nice thing to do - inform them. And also, I chose not to make a separate thread for this specific reason.
Anyway, I'd like to thank (In no particular order)
- The Teamspeak/Skype group, consisting mainly of David, Adam, Owen, Ross(Speed? Heh apologies if i muck it up), Loz and occasionally Stinger. Countless (Well, not countless, but many) hours of fun and laughter, especially with the Skype calltest woman, shouting *lady's only body part* many times in succession, and the millions of times which David would get pwnt. And Loz about FM3. And Owen and Adam about requesting-n00bs. And David getting pwnt again. Anyway I'll probably pop on once in a while to keep in contact.
-Iced_Bullet A.K.A Tobeh! He'd be in the group above if that idiot would get a mic! :p
Vainest male here, great fun poking fun at you, but nice to know you know we're joking :p
-CarMadMichelle! I believe it speaks for itself :p Love poking fun at you too heh. Sometimes a tad overboard but you still endure all of it. Great guy :)
-ShadowGT, for fuelling all the console fanboyflamewars!
-Baltoman, for fuelling all the Viper/Corvette fanboyflamewars!
-Koenigsegg, for fuelling the Alpha-Koeni flamewars!
-Alpha, for fuelling the Alpha-Koeni flamewars!
-Jazzeh, for the comfort of knowing that there are indeed ladies in the world who are interested in cars and general man-stuff. Would be totally crazy over her if not for the fact that she's already taken, and is a little bit too far from home :p
-All the mods, for maintaining peace and quiet (Well, somewhat :p) here, while being amiable and friendly too.
-Baldred, for being Baldred (That's a good thing halfwits!), and for bickering with Diablo, hilarious stuff! :p
And last but not least, Diablo. For being that crazy, drunk Scot that everybody's found to love. For enduring that rough patch when paying to run this place was getting a tad tricky, and mostly, for creating this place in the first place. Without which, I would have never met my best friend and buddy (Redundant much? :p), Car Freak, more commonly known as gingerbeer, or Car Queer, or just Jon. But that's quite boring really.
And to the rest of the unsung/unmentioned people who've given Diablo a mahoosive headache and a very thin wallet, I say thank you for one of the most enjoyable online experiences I've had.
I'm sure I've got more inside of me I'd wish to say, but I don't wish to ramble on and on, which might annoy people. So please, don't assume that I don't mean well. Its just that I've got too much to write and only this much space. I hope you understand.
To mods or Diablo, I'd like to request that my account be left active. I don't believe its a SOP to immediately ban people without a request from the person him/herself, but I'd like to be safe than sorry. Who knows, I might come back.
Wiping a tear from the corner of my eye, I bid farewell to this magnificent place, which I would always hold dearly in my heart, that is, Test Drive Unlimited: Central.