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Status Updates posted by T1M

  1. :hmmm: Would be better than nothing though. And yeah same, I'd love that shift xD but all the chavs and stuff hang around the Tesco near me at that time :\ Worth a shot still :D :evil: :cte:

  2. :evil::evil::evil: :bunny:

  3. Oh right, i suck at practicals too but yeah, haven't got the results back yet. :hi5: :eek: :evil: To you too :cheeky:

  4. Awww :( Exam? Practical? :hmmm: I've definitely failed it too :hi5: But you would have done well if you were there >.< Yeah :hmmm: I guess they'll just throw people out if they're too bad, like mine *cough*...

  5. :lol: Yeah sounds about right. And yeah thats a good idea :hmmm: Still no ideas :( Just experimenting on nothing serious is alright for now I suppose :hmmm: Oh dear :( I'm sure they'll be fine :glomp: And your musics is aweshum :D A********* I'd give it.. even if I haven't heard it/seen it :p Mine will be terrible, especially maths, which I need...

  6. A bit :hmmm: And yeah :lol: Hopefully with less insanely tall people :p And yeah thats true :hmmm: Probably the same story with the Capp... Any job news or anything yet?

  7. I haven't measured myself recently until now :lol: And I dont feel that tall at school :o Yay :hi5: Probably too tall for a Cappuccino I bet :p

  8. 5'11" I think :hmmm: you?

  9. :glomp: xD Yeah something like that :lol: Good thing you can remove the roof... (for tall peoples! even though i'm not that tall...)

  10. Sweet! :D You finally got through to them then. :p *waits for pics when it arrives* :whistle: And awesome! Great picture of it :)

  11. Oh right :o Silly, silly me. :gmc: I see now, I was going to say, that's one huge Cappuccino! :p And that's actually pretty big :hmmm: Length of a Cappuccino rolls in at.. 3295 mm according to Wikipedia *does maths* 3m long? :eek: That's a lot more than I expected..

  12. Yeah :lol: Sweeeeeet. Wait your Dad has a Mini? :eek: And is that the size of the Cappuccino? :hmmm:

  13. And I didn't notice that spelling error :o Silly me. Yeah I'm a bit obsessed...

  14. http://file023b.bebo.com/1/large/2006/11/12/18/781260146a2534121730b12539945l.jpg :hmmm: Hard to get a decent comparison pic really, but they're tiny, even smaller than a Daihatsu copen thing :eek:

  15. xDD See, it'd be good fun :lol: I wonder if a roll of duct tape would fit in a Cappuccini :hmmm:

  16. Yeah >.< :hmmm: True point, eBay! Or I'll make them myself :lol:

  17. Yeah :hmmm: I'm useless on phones though :( And yeah :eek: I guess it's because it's so rare and tiny... Mini isn't exactly that common or big today either

  18. I agree it's stupid, just because a few chavs in Saxos can't drive we all have to pay the price. :eek: Crap thats a lot. *slices manhood off* The only way to do it... A 675cc Cappuccino costs £4,500 to insure. :lol:

  19. Awww :( Would have been an interesting race lol And apparently they don't pay insurance there or something :hmmm:

  20. I suppose a shoe is hard to compete with a rally car :p But I bet it would sound awesome! :D And yeah :drool: Do want :( *moves to Australia*

  21. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! :D Love them, as you can probably tell :cheeky:

  22. Ferrari 458? :eek: Nice! Wait, 500 or something? :hmmm: *awaits pics*

  23. BLARGH :cheeese:

  24. :hello: iaH :bye: iaB

  25. Ahhh awesome :D I need to get my finger out and buy one of them :hmmm: I've run out of live too now :( and I have no money at all for any. But yeah thats a good idea :hmmm:

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