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Status Updates posted by T1M

  1. You still got TDU 360? :hmmm:

  2. I shall have another look then :lol:

  3. Not yet it's reaaallly confusing to me :confused: And I need to access the settings which I forgot the password for :(

  4. :lol: Sounds like fun Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'll let you know if I think of anything :p There's not much that hasn't already been done (well enough) :( But there will be something somewhere..

  5. Alright I guess xD work today :eek: you?

  6. Perhaps yeah, will take me a bit to figure out the problem and my password though lol.

  7. Oh :( Not good at all. Well if you keep a look out your luck might change

  8. T1M

    :rofl: I agree :hi5: :bananadance:

  9. :eek: Holy crap Nowhere cheap? :( *loads gun*

  10. T1M

    :rofl: Moobs! :hi5:

  11. Yeah, well there still may be a chance to find some. :)

  12. They're just tight >.< There should be something to stop that really by now, it's hardly very fair. And that sounds a bit wrong, the ticket companies should have a word with people about selling them at a higher price. Arrogant people -.-

  13. :lol: It's okay I do the same thing loads

  14. That sucks :cry: Damn you faster people :(

  15. Sorr- I appologise. :p Haha yeah, Lamborghini Ice Cream van :hmmm: Well it would keep the ice creams cool *ba dum tsch* We must cruise! Got a while to prepare I guess. :p

  16. Sorry. :( :glomp:

  17. Oh right :hmmm: I thought I replied too late or something. :insane:

  18. Yeah sorry I'm such an idiot xD

  19. T1M

    Boobs! :hide:

  20. Going on it now just FYI. :)

  21. An ice cream? :eek: Sure! Nah, how about after food? Still waiting for it to cook. Sorry. :( *pats belly*

  22. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Date-a-cow? :hmmm: Bit of a copy cat :whistle:

  23. Ah.. true :lol: And that would be AWESOME :D You should so do that. :p :hmmm: You could always stick with the Driver idea... hmmm

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