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Status Updates posted by T1M

  1. Yeah I guess thats true. :p Ahh :hmmm: Well, theres a bit to be improved on that site imo perhaps. And yeah :hmmm: How about more of a general gaming site or something?

  2. Yeah :( sucks really but ah well. Plenty of other jobs out there I hope. Thats a good idea :hmmm: We need a proper one! Like Driver Central or something.

  3. :lol: *keeps searching for cars*

  4. For my dad's business :p Doing filing/office work and such. Which I like, better than a *cough* cafe *cough*

  5. Ahhh I see :hmmm: not too bad, started my 'job' today actually. *wants monies*

  6. Ooo awesome :D How much are you after for it?

  7. *jealous* Sounds purdy :D Can I have one? xD

  8. I wish :( It's green and orange :eek: And too small... Ah :hmmm: Doesn't sound so bad.. as long as it's in the right hands. I think mine may just need adjusting a bit though :hmmm: And xD mine's waaay too low. *uploads pics of it*

  9. :hi5: Mine is too, made of very thick steel :p Hmm was it hard to fix that? :hmmm: I might have another look at mine... and I sit waaay too low on it at the moment, probably because last time I rode it would be 2 years ago :lol:

  10. :eek: Scott! :leaves: Awww I'm jealous :( I broked mine :cry: somehow :hmmm: Plus it weighs like 2 tons making it veerrry hard to go up hills with xD

  11. Haha okay xD Ooo a bike ride. I really need to fix my bike since it has 1 gear at the moment :hmmm:

  12. *today.. just seen the time.

  13. Totally! :D The map is working? Awesome! Tomorrow? :hmmm:

  14. Tres bien. ;) TDU servers are back yaaaay.

  15. It was okay thanks, dancing hurts though :( And induction day went alright, a lot of people I didn't recognise :eek: but I got a cookie and toblerone! :D Banana was tastey too :hide: He will dance no more. How was... erm, stuff? :D And :monkeydance: MONKEY!

  16. Oh right :fp: forgot about that xP Oh dear :( hmmm, at least the TDU PC servers are back..

  17. I saw :( Awwww that sucks. :cry: I ran out of gold anyway.

  18. Oh my god :eek: Lmao xD :bunny: I thought they were singing about a rabbit at first :confused:

  19. RABBIT! :bunny::bunny::bunny:

  20. Not agaaain.

  21. Narrow tires and.. cops :p And thanks xD Although it's over now. Interesting... we got cookies :D

  22. Much better :p I think 65mph is all I'd dare to do on a moped :eek: Yay, college induction day today :(

  23. Of course, modifying the exhaust so it goes faster than 30/45mph would be awesome :whistle:

  24. :fp: Oh right that one, I remember now. :p

  25. xD Ahh :hmmm: shouldn't be too bad then :) 50cc?

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