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Status Updates posted by T1M

  1. :lol: Yeah I do too :hmmm: Not so far off, how much are the ones you want? And I'm probably best saving for a Cappuccino than buying a bike tbh :hmmm:

  2. Ooo awesome :D xD I bet you really want to drive it now :p I'm sure the Freelander could be a match for it.. or not xD

  3. Ohhh this is what you meant. Awesome, thanks! :D

  4. :lol: That's.. insane. :bye: Suspension! :p We go over ours at... 20. -.-

  5. Ah, both then :lol: but Grid on PS3 :p

  6. I don't have it sorry :( Almost bought it today but I needed a new controller first so I had to get that instead.

  7. Ah I haven't played it in aaaaaages

  8. Yeah that would be awesome, a hell of a lot more reliable than Atari/Eden that's for sure :p is that just on PC?

  9. xD My bad. But yeah it might, if it comes back up. :p Might be up soo-metime :whistle:

  10. I can't either :eek: I hope it's only temporary :(

  11. Yeah :( *crosses fingers*

  12. Oh :hmmm: I was going to say it may need 1.67/1.68 patch but I guess not. :lol: And some people still have trouble :hmmm: not sure how to fix it though :( Worth another try I guess.

  13. They're usually up for me, and what problem did you have last time?

  14. It was pretty fun actually :p all that dancing made my feet hurt though :( :bananadance: And yeah sure :D xD yes.. TDU.. :whistle: :cheeky:

  15. Sorry my prom is tonight :(

  16. Yarp :D :hi:

  17. xD Awesome :D

  18. :lol: yeah Ahh we should cruise then then (.. then then then then) if I remember :p let me know exactly what time you want to when you can tomorrow :) Yeah me too :hmmm: His Agera is pretty epic too :whistle: especially the sound :eek:

  19. Are you free tomorrow sometime for a cruise? :) Good thing I checked your profile :lol: Ahh I never knew that :p Oh well close enough

  20. Crap :eek: Sorry i'm useless :p Now or soon? And it's Bainbridge :lol: - just seen it on Google maps and it's like level with Richmond pretty much :eek:

  21. Oh right xD You'll be used to it then :p And your town name is one letter away from my DT teacher's name. :eek: And :lol: Sounds like fun :p I wouldn't know about that. :( Yeah that's the cafe, on the way to my dad's house iirc :hmmm: Yeah the map is broken :( has been for months, not got to TDU yet anyways :hide:

  22. xD I guess you're not missing much (except me :p ) it's full of speed ramps >.< And oh yeah that :lol: There's a farm cafe thing that has a camel and some llamas iirc :hmmm: not actually been to it before but it looks.. interesting :lol: I was just about to set up TDU actually :eek: noice :)

  23. Shame you didn't go into Richmond :( Oh well. Having fun there? :P

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