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Status Updates posted by T1M

  1. Yeah :( Something to look forward to. And oh yeah :D Awesome. I wonder if I can remember it :confused:

  2. :hmmm: forgot about that. Good point, could be :eek:

  3. xD Not much to say about it really... (Youtube > Search 'Doctor who time runs out' and you'll find it)

  4. You seen the very early preview thing? :eek:

  5. :eek: Most young kids look the same to me anyway. Not that I'm a pedo... :eek: Anyway yeah that could have been a possibility :hmmm: but the universe would collapse or something if they met.

  6. Possibly :hmmm: I don't think it's the doctors either, but I thought the random kid wandering the streets was River :hmmm: (before she regenerated a few times and grew up) Confusing!

  7. Yeah :eek: And yeah she must be xD Staring us right in the face.. river and pond. Never even noticed.

  8. Ah :hmmm: I only did like 2 missions :o but it was fun online. Yeah I do have GTA still. And omg :eek: just watched Doctor Who, actually did not expect that.

  9. Ah :hmmm: Tough choic- XBL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hide: Nah whatever you like :) I was tempted to get it but I haven't touched RDR properly in almost a year :eek:

  10. Btw have you got gold yet?

  11. Watching it now after that comment. :lol:

  12. About to watch it now :p By the sounds of it it's... interesting.

  13. Not yet, gonna watch it later :p

  14. :hmmm: Might be able to tomorrow. Got revision to do as well though :(

  15. Yeah :eek: Time has flown by! I still remember when I first met you.. sort of. :p

  16. xD I have them all on photobucket, but I can't be bothered trawling through like 400 pages.. Good times though.

  17. http://i900.photobucket.com/albums/ac202/LP670-4_SV/St2-1.jpg Look what I found :eek:

  18. :hmmm: Evening perhaps? Or whenever you can. And not likely, as today was bank holiday so virtually no where is working.

  19. Yeah there was :hmmm: Hint hint perhaps? I'm guessing more will be shown on that matter next episode or second half of the series. And yeah :lol: that was epic. Should do it again sometime :p

  20. :lol: That would be epic! And it's a bit weird... but still.

  21. Well that was very interesting :eek: Didn't expect that. Have you seen the prequel for the mid season finale?

  22. xD Thanks for the comment by the way. :) And I'm off to watch Doctor Who... Bai :hello:

  23. I think so, it worked on my old Xbox. Yeah it is, and I don't think you can use cheats online :( but still great fun. :D

  24. XD Yeah that's why I was affraid of buying a 4gb new one, even if they are pretty cheap.. Yeah :o I sold pretty much all my games sadly. TDU1 = do want though. The demo is so.. small xD i've only ever played the full ones. I still have GTA though :) Even though it has a huge scratch on the disc...

  25. XD I need to get FM3 Ultimate Edition and TDU1 :hmmm:

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