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Status Updates posted by T1M

  1. :( I'm gonna create a new profile anyways. :eek: Tempting me now.. i'll watch it later. Fixed XBL now :D

  2. Ooo have fun, bai bai :hello:

  3. Yeah xD Bought a used one today since it was pretty cheap. Maybe this is why xD

  4. Yeah :D But it seems to hate my router. Or it's broken. :eek:

  5. Probably not, need to sort XBL out... :whistle: I'll catch it on iPlayer. Looks.. interesting. :eek:

  6. >.< NOOOO! I was hoping it wouldn't show up. :( Curse you random gap.

  7. It just comes up with an error saying it can't connect to my router. :confused: I've restarted it and everything. I hope they haven't sold me a faulty one... :eek: And I plan on creating a new one, but trying to retrieve my old one as well. :D (Could do with a new controller anyway, the one they've sold me has a battery pack but no charger and it's running low...)

  8. XD Damn you got me. :( Nah I did, but XBL won't work for some reason :confused: Will have to have a play with it I guess...

  9. Guess what I just bought... :whistle:

  10. :bananahello:

  11. Ah true xD you could if you got up really really early.. maybe not then. :p I just want to have freedom and get out on the road xD

  12. :lol: Haha I would too admittedly.. maybe not go that fast infront of people though :whistle: Maybe it's best to save for a car for now since they're bloody expensive :hmmm: Unless I really need a mode of transport before I'm 17/18

  13. Oh right :lol: Still a bargain. And that's a true point :hmmm: would be a great little run around. My brother's friend got caught speeding on his RS50 apparently :eek: (supposedly limited to 30mph or something) now that sounds like fun!

  14. :eek: Yeah that sounds a lot better than like £50, even for an economical car. And that is true, I guess if you get a bike within a month after passing it isn't so bad. Plus you get a bit of road experience for when you learn to drive.

  15. Wow :eek: Not too shabby, and yeah that's true, I'd like to do it but I'd rather get my own bike first, so I can make full use of the 2 years I have. And a job of course.. though shouldn't be too bad on fuel.

  16. Yeah, there isn't a lot of choice really. :( I guess you have to settle for what you can get. And yeah xD A bit out of my price range too, even used they're like £1,500 :eek: Plus I want a Suzuki Cappuccino as a first car :leaves: Which is about £2,500 on average. :eek: Life is getting expensive!

  17. Yeah I wanted one like that too *cough* Aprillia RS50 *cough* or a Vespa, they look sweeeeeeeet. :hide: And that is true, but I'm not too great at asking people for money, even though they have no choice :hmmm:

  18. Yeah :hmmm: I'm not sure I'd trust myself on the tills. Stacking shelves will do for me :lol: If it pays well then even better! Need a mode of transport though as it's still about 5 miles away :hmmm: Moped here I come. :ill:

  19. Waitor? NO NO NO NO! xD Tesco wouldn't be too bad I guess, pay is pretty good :hmmm: Shame there's no jobs going at my local one. :( Lucky, nothing of a sort here. >.<

  20. :eek: Oh dear, mine wouldn't save properly before I sold mine. Ah yeah that's why I need to save for a 250 one, I filled like 30GB on my old one, 4GB is no where near enough. But it means forking out a lot of money :( I need a job!

  21. Yeah :hmmm: Woo! Bet you can't wait. :D Awesome. :) And it, errm, walked off :whistle: Nah I sold it. :leaves: But I fancy a slim one :hmmm: If only I was loaded. :(

  22. Oh yeah I'm tempted by PC xD But it will run like a turd. :hmmm: That sounds weird. Anyway I've installed TDU1 for now.. good start. Do you have it there?

  23. :lol: Oh yeah, would be an expensive game at like £200. :eek: Though I do want to get a seXbox again maybe :hmmm:

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