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Everything posted by DriftNismo

  1. In r/l Evos are the nuts, but same with the GT-R and 3000GT, in the game they are dull and slow and don't handle properly :p.
  2. Lmao, that is one hell of a gamerscore on Halloween :D. And who decided it was 616/666 in the first place? It was probably 777 til the 50s when the mobs from Vegas came and took it :p.
  3. Cool, might download it soon, sounds pretty good. I used to do Folding@Home, not thought much of it since the new updates.
  4. No but once I get my MacBook I might set my computer up as a server as well as a gaming machine.
  5. 140. Hawaii is very opposed to you doing 360s. 141. Nowone in Hawaii can swim (everyone has pools in their homes, but never use them) 142. The paint shops in Hawaii LET you paint a GT500 pearlescent cyan-and-magenta with yellow stripes :p.
  6. I've always preferred AMD to Intel for a few reasons. And my K85AE can only support up to 16GB (which I have right now, but DDR2) but the new Sun workstation motherboards support up to 64GB DDR3 and I've been thinking of a new motherboard for a while now, mainly for PCI-E slots, because mine has PCI-X slots and I've been lucky enough to get so much power out of an AGP card as it is (ATi Radeon X1950 Pro Sapphire 512MB) but I highly doubt they will continue to make AGP cards for much longer now, so it just gives me more excuses to get a new motherboard, chipset and more RAM (basically a whole computer re-build) :p.
  7. Yeah but it's not so much how it's lowered as it is what the rim size + tire profile is.
  8. Dunno yet, I haven't got the DUB S600 tourney unlocked yet (:() so I just bought an RX7 and gonna do some stuff with it now. Too bad you can't get Veilside kits in the game :(. And I recommend the 3000GT. Not sure what the RS4 is like, but the Evo isn't that great, and 3000GTs handle good and they're quick as hell in r/l so i'd say go for that. Yeah, I got the R34 GT-R but I hate it in MC:LA :(. No good kits for it either. It's stupid, you can get a C-West decal but no C-West kits? WTF?!
  9. Will my Dual Opteron 2.4s run it at 60fps anyone think? Need to go for new processors soon, thinking of Quad Opteron 3.6s, but need an excuse for it :D. Was thinking of going for 32GB DDR3 Ram but I doubt i'll need that in the near future.
  10. Love the rims on your S14A, I should do another S14A build soon. And your Evo looks nice and mean, but I think it would look nicer with no spoiler.
  11. Ok, if you don't mind mate, the RS4 one. I'll put your name in the credits obviously. Cheers :).
  12. Yeah, I just hope they make GTA:IV-MP (like VC-MP & SA-MP) because it will be MUCH better than the current GTA:IV multiplayer (role-play servers, stunt servers, drift servers, etc :D). I just hope they feel the need to even though there is already a (sucky) multiplayer mode in it :p.
  13. :o They all look like the sexness! Would love a sig with the RS4 pic, nice work!
  14. Yeah, i'll get it but mainly for the mods that will be released. Give it a year and we'll have SA in it and tons of 1080p modelled Skylines and Ferraris xD.
  15. 128. In Hawaii there is a not-very-well-enforced dimension law that only 7 of your friends can be in the same dimension as you at the same time.
  16. I'm so sorry to hear that mate, and so sorry to hear you are leaving. Are you sure about the army? Just PLEASE, look after yourself, and be extremely careful. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, and incase you do not return, have a fantastic life and live healthy and prosporous. Farewell.............
  17. Nice, but why did you decide on the RPS13 240SX instead of the 180SX?
  18. I agree with scaleop. They had it confirmed that they were making it for so long without trailers or screenshots the hype went VERY over the top, and as soon as I saw the first trailer I knew the hype wasn't worth it. I also got bored very quickly, to the extent where I didn't even finish the game, which isn't like me because i've 100% completed GTA:SA twice with no cheats on PS2 and I think 4 times with no cheats on PC (except some car mods) and completed the story on Xbox and the other consoles a good few times.
  19. Not sure what you mean. 113. You can put your car in auto, and if you're talking about the character always using the H-Shifter or Paddles in auto, some cars still actually ARE automatic (E.g. Most of the Lexus'). 114. What about when you go to real estate places or tuners or car dealerships, or deliveries etc. 115. I've flipped a few of my cars on numerous occasions. 116. Well it respawns you when you drive into the water so I assume that's because you sink.
  20. :o TE37s on a Gallardo?! They look fantastic! I never thought that would work :D. And Shy, it depends what you want it for. If you just want a luxury sedan, go for the S600, I think you'll like it better. But if you want a luxury muscle car or a powerful Group B car, go for the 300C. I got the 300C because i'm kind of a Mopar guy under my JDM guise :p. The 300C is surprisingly quick though, same engine as the Charger. EDIT: Damn, I assumed you were on PSN for some reason, I have Live but don't have MC:LA for X360 :(.
  21. Mine 720p but I play MC:LA in 1080p :S. And I love the rims on the 300C, just a shame I couldn't get the mesh grill for the 300C and white wall tyres :(.
  22. Not heard of it yet, might pick it up for PC though, not sure. Not spending any more money 'til after xmas though, but will be saving up for a new camera after xmas so I don't know when i'll get it :D.
  23. Gather round children, it's picture time. I finally got it working, i'll take more pictures later. NOTE: I no longer have the 300C, DUB Challenger or DUB Murcie due to extreme stupidity on my part (traded them all in for an S7, which I traded back for some monies and a normal Murcie). Btw, Mad, i love your RX7 and Evo, put the Evo up on Rate my Ride and i'll buy one off you. http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/RockstarWebServices/mcla/common/getsakeimage.ashx?pid=50741569&fileid=7119886 http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/RockstarWebServices/mcla/common/getsakeimage.ashx?pid=50741569&fileid=7119925 http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/RockstarWebServices/mcla/common/getsakeimage.ashx?pid=50741569&fileid=8179379 http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/RockstarWebServices/mcla/common/getsakeimage.ashx?pid=50741569&fileid=8179429 http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/RockstarWebServices/mcla/common/getsakeimage.ashx?pid=50741569&fileid=7119966 http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/RockstarWebServices/mcla/common/getsakeimage.ashx?pid=50741569&fileid=8179185 http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/RockstarWebServices/mcla/common/getsakeimage.ashx?pid=50741569&fileid=7120197 http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/RockstarWebServices/mcla/common/getsakeimage.ashx?pid=0&fileid=8182881 http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/RockstarWebServices/mcla/common/getsakeimage.ashx?pid=0&fileid=8182926 http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/RockstarWebServices/mcla/common/getsakeimage.ashx?pid=50741569&fileid=7120046 I also no longer have the R34 GT-R because I didn't like it, so I got the 300C which blows away all the other Group 3 cars anyway. And the picture of the DUB Murcie was just more proof of the brake discs lighting up. And the 350Z is on Rate my Ride for sale too. EDIT: And when I looked back after the Camaro shot, I didn't hit that guy somehow :p. Precision driving FTW :D.
  24. Looking VERY nice, will have to download it soon. When you're not busy though you should do an SVT Cobra R as well, they look crazy :D. Great work though!
  25. O RLY? They sound a lot different to me... 108: Airport runways are made of mud and other dirt in Hawaii. 109: A Ford Mustang GT can be made look just like a Saleen S281 in half a second in Hawaii.
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