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  • Games I'm Playing
    TDU, Forza 2, Racer(.nl, to find more),GTA4

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  1. Servers down? Fail to connect everytime i try :cry: and I bought the game recently because online playing...
  2. Really nice videos you have there :P As i have seen all ghost rider movies, i can say that was one impressive driving there. Too bad there isnt any real haulers in tdu, so u could drive through 2 of those in approaching :cool: And what not to do with a rent car. Well in real life, i definately would burn some rubber and make donuts.
  3. dont know if someone has said this already, but definately they should have more 90's japan imports, like skyline r32 and mazda rx7. And more european cars. There is already audi, mercedes, ruf, vw, alfa romeo, aston martin etc. but i would like to see more middle-class cars like vw, like peugeot, volvo, fiat, renault, opel. But i dont think they will have such of cars like those europeans, because any of those doesnt have good "street-race" cars. But you never know. Allthrough, peugeot 206/307 would be great off road car, with some wrc tuning kit :p And ofcourse they have to include the mr.bean car, British Leyland Mini. Hah, i can imagine, how you could put powerful engine from another car, tune it to the maximum and then show off to some nub with his new lambo, and make him eat dust. What a beauty :D
  4. Downloading the game over atari I noticed the game is few euros cheaper at atari netstore than in others game shops near me, so i decided to buy it using download+pay method(yeah im miserly :D). It's just im not so experienced with these kind of things, and i dont want my credit card number to be stolen or something... So have any of you bought the game that way? Is it reliable?
  5. Thanx! Great to see so many answers in such short time! Well... it seems I will maybe turn to buying pc version. I have "pretty good" pc, and most of new games plays good. Still I have ms points left lot at my x360 account, and it wouldnt be problem to download the cars. macd79, yeah, i could. At the maximum it would be like 100€. I'll buy the PC version, and maybe in near future the x360. And thx tWM. for telling me to hang around with me, hope there will be nice players in pc online too :) But thats for now. I'll be buying the pc version tomorrow, hope to cya in online then.
  6. Hello! I just got registered to the forum and im very excited. Great success! Seriosly though, i searched quickly and didnt find a thread what would already handling this kind of case, if there is, probably there is, please forgive me, and give me a link to those threads. So, Im in the situation of buying either 360 or PC version. I just want to know, wich one have more online activity, or is it the same. Any of my friends barely have the game. Second thing is, 360 haven't support to g25, even i dont have one, but about to buy one. And, yeah, the megapack for pc. Are there differenties between pc and 360 version, if u have bought all the addons for them. There must be few typos etc. :badspelling:, cos its 11.30pm in here Finland and im tired, middle of nowhere. "oh, yeah that country near sweden" but u got the point. waiting for answers.
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