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Everything posted by Jacob

  1. *Checks pants* Awwwww come on!! I love how this isn't a fragile Lambo. I love how it's half Screaming fury and, half off road screaming fury.
  2. >.> I was never here.. You saw nothing *Men In black Pen Flash*

    1. @ Alex Like the creative signature on the Black SV
    2. Already had that experience once. Imma good with 10 over speed limit and it's fine with me.
    3. Jacob

      Mb's 106 S2 Rallye.

      Are you going to tint the windows?
    4. The Mulsanne was HUGE!! Like wow! But honestly, what surprized me was how small the cars actually. Were on Tv and, in pictures they look big. But in real life there tiny lol. Adcept the Mulsanne of course lol. Again sorry for the crappy photos. Unfortunatly the SL was the worst, and that was my favorite. Also there was soposed to be a 550, and a 700-4. But I guess they had to take them back to the dealer, I was lucky to see the SL since it was sold, and it was the last day of the show.
    5. At the time I honestly didn't care about iso's lol
    6. Back from the autoshow was seriously tired once I got there because of painkillers so photography isn't the greatest. (Mom was absolutely amazed at the matte paint Lawlz) -Pretty much every merc in the range other than the SLS -Every BMW -Every Audi - X4 Fiat 500's couldn't get any pic fr it was completly surrounded lol And LOTS of other cars
    7. I can insure an 5.3L Camaro V8 here for $1200 a year lol
    8. Acadia Denali: SVT Raptor Supercrew: Going to an autoshow on Sunday so ill have hella amount of photos taken
    9. Lol you not only live in my country you live in my last name!

      1. Rangie: Camaro SS Convertible Didn't get a pic but There was a GT500KR and behind it was a Viper ACR Voodoo edition and the sounds they made were godly!
      2. Saw this while picking/forgetting to up my sister from school: Annnd this is how people park at my school. Btw thats the only exit and they didn't have to park like that the whole other end of the parking lot which is where I parked was.. Open..
      3. Went to wash the charger and there was a black Custom Mustang there with probally the nicest owner i've every met. The sound it made when he fired it up to pull out was biblical !! I can still hear it in my head. Before he started it he was stil washing it, and I walked by and was like "nice car" and he was like "thanks." Then he fired it up, I was literally drawn to the sound, Till I ended up in his wash bay with my mouth wide open. He was like "4 inch Straight pipe" and laughed, I just kept drooling. Then he looked at the Charger and said I had one of those, Then I looked at the Mustang, and was like I had one of those. He laughed and was like "thats awesome" and revved it. And did a burnout out of the parking lot. It was OMG godly sounding. Like X100000 :drool: best car i've ever heard. In.. My..Life.It was till after he was gone did I think.. Pictures..
      4. Did you say the new XJ isn't compfy?? Is the world gone backwards??
      5. X2 X6's white one and a black one And Moms friends 580HP Camaro.. You can't imagine how amazing it sounded!
      6. Jacob

        Mb's 106 S2 Rallye.

        And the Handling's better! I wished they sold pugs in canada I want one sooo bad!
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