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Everything posted by Sponge

  1. I've never personally made a HUD, so I'm not too sure if you need to edit the alpha channels. But out of all the textures I've modified, I've never had to edit any alpha channels. Only problems I had was orange textures, but that was fixed when I got the format of DDS correct. Best person to ask would be Fl0w, or another HUD modder.
  2. Alright, thats pretty much the same spec as my comp, so no worries there Windows been updated fully? TDU had the 1.66a patch?
  3. Beautiful!! Where'd you get the ST1 from?! *Wants Zenvo*
  4. Make sure the filesizes are within 5kb (I think) of the original. Also, open the original straight away in DXTBMP, then click file>save as. Note down the DDS format (Some are different for different cars) then save your modded HUD in that format (With alpha, don't forget!) That should sort it.
  5. The car looks beautiful! Also, great work on the photoshopping, too. Looks very realistic! Can't wait for release!
  6. Very nice, Grin. Model looks superbly smoothed out. Shame about the stock version, but this is more than good! Only 'bug' I've noticed is: The dials when in interior view shine in the sun. Apart from that, it's great!
  7. TDU wasn't written for Vista/7, so (as you may have found out) the file structure is different, so some shortcuts may not work as required...Bug #1 :) Bug #2 I think is to do with your computer. If the Gear shifts lag, it may mean that your computer is not fast enough to process the quick gear changes. Try holding the shift gear button down instead of pressing it quickly. I have Win 7 x64, have a G25, and I haven't had a single problem with TDU or any other game.
  8. My mistake! :lol: It's to the WEST of the lambo dealership (See that tiny bit of road on the left in your picture?) Just below the "Key Locations" area. It's just there :)
  9. That's why Google have developed their epic Translate app...
  10. Great to hear it. As Rebuilda said, get yourself a backup made.
  11. It's very close to the Lamborghini Showroom. Look to the east of it and you should find it.
  12. As much as I want to download this... I've now decided to start an off roading spree :p. I need the satellite view to know where all the mountainous regions are :( If I ever get bored of it, consider this an extra download
  13. What about holding R/L Stick in and then moving the stick to the desired direction, then releasing it? That'd allow 8 binds altogether.
  14. *Waits for Char to tell Mellors that she wants a 1080p Pink TV* :lol:
  15. Might do that. But then I wouldn't have the shiny-ness that illuminates the rest of the room :p
  16. http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g226/metal_man_409e/30Jul2010_0203.jpg :D
  17. Your post was removed due to the content concerning the aquisition of the Beta.
  18. Uumphhh. *needs to go to the toilet and then change pants* Sexual :drool:
  19. Still hooked on TDU and Crash Time 3. Other than that, it's either COD:MW2 or if I'm in a bored state, Sims 3.
  20. The ISO burning utility that I always swear by is PowerISO. Free to use (Unless you're making an ISO..) And is very easy to use. Give that a try if you can't get anything else to work.
  21. You can use an XP disk. The disk has a formatting tool on it by default (it asks you to select a partition then if you want to format the drive, or leave it intact) If not, you can easily find a free tool on t'internet to burn to a CD. That'd do it for you. But if you do format, your Win7 upgrade disk won't work, as it's an upgrade disk. You'll need a full install version of Win7, or somehow find a genuine copy of Vista, then upgrade it. If you send it back to the store, you should get a new HDD to the exact specification of your current one (IE same size, vista pre-installed)
  22. Tell Asus about it, if it's still in warranty. That'll be free for you. If you take it to a store (unless that's where you got the laptop from) then you'll most probably have to pay for it yourself.
  23. If you send it to Asus, your HDD will be wiped by company policy. If it can be fixed, that is. If the HDD can't be fixed, then it's a simple swap over to a working HDD. Unless you can convince Asus to send you the broken drive for salvaging reasons, Say goodbye to your data :( Sorry mate
  24. Sounds like the update Microsoft released screwed over your computer. Same happened to Jazz' laptop. If you can get into safe mode (Start the computer up and then mash the F8 key) uninstall the latest updates and try that again. If the "Disk Read Error" error message comes up even before you can select safe mode, contact Asus about it and get them to fix it (If it's in warranty!) If it's not under warranty no more, unscrew the back of the HDD enclosure and take the HDD out (Should just be able to slide it out with ease) Then blow on the Data and Power connectors on both the motherboard and the hard drive itself. That should clear any dust out of the way Put the HDD back in and try again. If you still get the error, 'Tis a Windows Reinstall, I'm afraid. If you can't even install windows without the DRE, your HDD is kaputt :( Good luck
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