CarlosVega: Virgin Megastore [v1.0]
Virgin Megastore Mod
This mod turns the supermarkets into Virgin Megastores.
Download link
Changes made
Turned the brownish color of the building into a soft blue
Turned several bulding parts into Virgin red
Replaced the sign "Market" by "Virgin Megastore"
Replaced the poster (?) on the lower right by an original Oahu nightclub flyer
Mod's "Side Effects"
Some textures from the mod's files are not only used by the markets, but also by a few other buildings (warehouses in industrial areas). This behavior is not really caused by the mod. The game simply uses certain textures for several types of bulding.
However, the affected buildings are not screwed up. They simply look different (more colorful).
Market locations
As far as i could observe, there are two markets on the island (bookmarks are included in the readme.txt). If you know additional locations, please post them in this thread.
Further information
For further information and installation instructions, please see the readme.txt contained in the ZIP archive.
Hope you like it. Enjoy!