I must to keep the collision set from the original traffic, there is no tool for change the collision setting, and I choosed between real size and good collision to keep a real size (Eden's trucks was too small for trucks wich could be bigger than my peterbilt).
So my truck is really bigger than Eden's model, and as I can't move trailer's tire position, truck position is more ahead. Bus using firetruck's collision, it's a little bit longer.
Trailer's original physics have the same bug, only traffic cars can hit the trailer cause the collision point must be too high, and when the truck stop, following traffic cars don t stop before trailer, and want to go until truck as they can't see the trailer. The trailer physics are very bad online when you are not host for traffic, doing jumps every seconds.
You seems to do not have the right files for Dodge Monaco, as the rear hood have a very bad pivot...
I need to study more about dhk files working with hexeditor wich is not the appropriate tool for that, but the only way we have...