NO, people, what i said about the resize(the hell what we need to to) is resize new textures to replace TDU cars textures(i know that we can't,... "yet?"), without lose too many quality, to avoid pixelated effect from the manual resize... maybe applying some blur.
But i asked about the where are the traffic wheels, 'cause they aren't in "rims" path, right!?!
Well, i'm not a modder, and the traffic wheels are 3D too, not imitating textures, maybe if convert from some game, the bad is: TDU = "2,5" traffic wheels, 1 for cars and SUVs, 2 "together" for trucks and vans, this the error there.
First of all, i would like something about what i asked...
Well i started this post them i will broke some rules in good way to be useful...
I have NFS5Porsche, 1 Modder user on a special "parking lot" NFS site, converts many cars from many NFS games and from GTR and "TDU" too, but it's nothing, he created a "save" user where he added a list of his converted cars to the standard NFS5PU list, then we have standard porsche cars with "new" cars together.
TDU had a CarPack what added new cars, increasing the car list, what dou yoy think about it, maybe, we cant add some places, but we can access the new carstore, in the map bu clicking.