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  1. [headline]Stairway to SEVEN[/headline] Hey there muppets, major sorrys for the extended downtime but if you knew what it takes to do everything we (just me) have done in that time you would gladly commit me to a mental asylum. So this is SEVEN, why that name? Well boringly enough it is because this is our seventh new look. Yes in over 8 years we have had seven looks now. Our previous will go down as the longest to serve on our pages and was actually close to hitting the 3 year mark in October. :eek: With the world being ever more with their eyes glued to their small-screen devices it was time for us to get on-board and give those tech-muppet visitors and members a (hopefully!) working version of our forum that is more user-friendly and has greater readability for them. I tested on a number of devices from high-end via the other staff to basic tablets and smartphones from about 5 years ago. Prior to that, I cannot guarantee what kind of experience you will have but if it's not good please let me know and I'll look into a way of fixing it, should my brain be up to the task. :nuts: Also the small-screen experience is more geared towards those viewing on fast connections and wi-fi as it's really hard to justify limiting the typical large images, reaction gifs and youtube posting habits of our members. SEVEN is a culmination of my very real blood, sweat and very many tears. It has taken a fair amount of time and had a few setbacks and even an almost total going back to the drawing board moment but I pushed on, I continued, I tested, I played, I tested and played, I caused many mistakes, many errors and no doubt there are still some about on here. I couldn't do everything I wanted but the main slices are eaten and now it's time to see how it fairs under the weight of you lot. It could go well, it could go disastrous but there's only one way to see and that is to allow the door to open and for you to use us as you always have. Please enjoy our new look and give feedback to what you think, whether it be good, bad or made of cheese. :duck: Cheers! - Diablo and the turboduck team
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