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Intro Skipper - Skip Intro Videos/Splashscreens 1.0.0

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About This File

This mod requires the Andraste Framework in at least Version 0.1.1, which you can get here:


It will skip the two intro videos ("bumper") as well as the AFK video (deadmau5, "Teaser_TDU2").
It will also skip the splash screen cards with the legal trademark screens and the warnings about not driving like that in reallife (as well as the tips screen "Ze White Rabbit" after loading into a profile).

In my case, when roughly counting by hand, this brought starting the game down from 19s to 9s, which may add up, if you launch the game frequently after doing an edit to your mod.

Installation: Just unzip the content, so that you have the skip-intros folder and move that folder into Andraste's mods folder.

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