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Everything posted by Eudemon

  1. Good question, I mean that's the thing, there's no real set way and it usually brings up other problems. The Right-stick method the concept and pre-production showed looked like it would be ideal for the lights when I think about it actually. The left most part is actually a good idea imo, if you clicked the Right-stick (RS) to put that menu up or make those options available (ie RS click = lights on/off, lights on = extra menu with low/high option). :) Also I know what you mean with the windows but tbh it wasn't a major thing just to click the button again. ;)
  2. What to remember about controllers is that depending on how the buttons can be used you can have a lot more buttons per se. What I mean is take controllers with analog sticks, you can usually click these so there's another button, in fact TDU uses one of these for the horn remember. Now consider holding a button, in fact again TDU2 does this, B will more than likely be your gear change button but hold it for a 1-2 sec and you reset. You also have the method of 2 like options that do their opposite ala the windows, you press the button for the windows and depending on if they are up or down they will go the opposite way due to a check. The roof works this way, I saw it so the lights could be used the same way; hold the flash/challenge button for 1 sec to dip/low beam or high beam your lights whereby the opposite would happen to what you have and due to it being for a second or more there's no risk to the flash operation. I've always said holding the handbrake button for 2 secs to switch the car off could be done so hey who knows! It all comes down to the utilisation and what works and is somewhat ergonomic/comfortable for the player.
  3. For PC, 360 (Fanatec Wheel) and PS3 yes, if the wheels are fully supported.
  4. Well ideally that is suited to a wheel and pedal set that supports it. A digital clutch is a bit redundant.
  5. Hood is the Roof not the Bonnet/Engine compartment just to clarify.
  6. Guys you can talk about stuff that is in the [official] public domain but not of those that are against the rules here. IE talking about or linking to certain things or how they may be accessed. @Staff: Don't delete every little thing, allow some conversation but use your discretion into what is allowed, what needs a little edit and most importantly what needs removed.
  7. If your post is left untouched then you're not the culprit. :D
  8. No what I mean is at the start of this month they had a release schedule and TDU2 was 24th September. This latest announcement has TDU2 down for "Autumn" now.
  9. Again guys, please do not post anything relating to the Beta. Thanks!
  10. It's possible a delay could happen as Namco Bandai's latest release date announcement has TDU2 set for an "Autumn" release now rather than the September date they had originally.
  11. INFO:http://news.dengeki.com/elem/000/000/287/287277/ マーベラスエンターテイメントは、7月22日に発売したPSP用ソフト『フェイト/エクストラ』の公式サイトを更新。壁紙や凜からのシークレットメッセージなどを配信した。  『フェイト/エクストラ』は、TYPE-MOONの奈須きのこさんがシナリオを、武内崇さんがキャラクターを監修する対戦型ダンジョンRPG。プロデューサーは新納一哉さんが務め、ディレクションを門脇宗悦さん、キャラクターデザインをワダアルコさんが担当する。  本日、本作の公式サイトが更新され、ワダアルコさんと武内さんの2バージョンのPC用壁紙が配信された。欲しい人は、公式サイト内の“ダウンロード”→“ファンサイトキット”からダウンロードしよう。 ▲壁紙は2種類。それぞれ5サイズ用意されている。  また、本作の予約特典“Fate the Fact”で凜が語るメッセージの解読方法のヒントが、ニュースブログで公開されている。ヒントは少しずつ追加されていくとのことなので、暗号解読に詰まったらチェックしてみるといいだろう。 ▲特典に同梱されたCD-ROMを手掛かりに、凜の言葉に秘められた“謎解き”にチャレンジしよう。  なお、公式サイトは8月も引き続き更新予定。“キャスター七変化☆”、”セイバー危機一発”のイージーモードが準備されているそうだ。イージーモードは、キー連打が苦手な人も楽しめるサービス仕様になっているという。また、新たなゲーム動画にはまさかのあの2人が……!?
  12. 故事以kumakuni chan作为主角卖萌为主题 故事类型随意(恋爱,生活,灾难任何) 不能18X
  13. 这是我们的小基神(大雾 写的基情小剧场,请参观 FS: http://www.fileserve.com/file/BBFycPg/目标是坛娘ver1.1.rar HF: http://hotfile.com/dl/58307541/a39d1f8/.html 另外还有论坛娘的故事招收,请见下帖 目前写故事的,和绘画的都已经开始着手了 不过貌似各方面都缺人,谁有空,并且有实力的欢迎加入 监督:Eudemon 绘师:gilgameshx,独言叔,dm-master 程序:姬神刃 故事:g.saki 苦力:??
  14. 嗯,一些熟面孔的我都会记得,经常参与讨论,或者发布东西之类的
  15. 此时我除了猛鼓掌已经不知道能说些什么了,期待完成作,其他画师可以帮忙上色嗯
  16. 我就見過一個看動畫玩GAL卻抗日的人
  17. 如果是当事人主动想这么做的话就没问题,这类属于特殊情况
  18. 在这里搅基不行么,干嘛非要拉到别处搅 我很注重人才,不希望有啥人才流失
  19. 少女A(打码): 自从进了群之后,志愿上了, 彩票中了,人长高了, 皮肤也变得更光滑,好事一件接一件, 以前的烦恼真是难以置信 少女B(打码): 想要成为魔法少女吗? 群号:127902947 欢迎各位动漫爱好者, 因为是公开群,冲突是难以避免的, 所以才需要规定, 希望能理解 T人标准(管理员们注意: 如有特殊情况,请跟其他人讨论一下) 此项会导致立即踢除 --广告推广(你懂的) --有抗日,抗美思想 --拉人(打其他群, 论坛广告) 此项不会导致立即踢除,但是提醒后还是多犯将会踢除 --无意义的发图刷屏或发字刷屏 --字体或颜色难预览 --斗嘴, 说脏话, 挑起事端,优越帝 --長期或者從來未參與群討論 (包括"冒泡, 签到图"等没实际参与讨论来刷发言时间的) --发表恶心物 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 问:如何加群? 加群附注无,疑似广告,或者加群人ID有问题将会被拒绝 ({管理员}给予拒绝理由, 例:常见拒绝理由 {请写加入理由或推荐人} ) 问:我要推荐 你可以推荐你觉得资质好的朋友加入 (备注:邀请/推荐人ID) 问:我要举报 你可以举报任何你觉得危险的人物 问:我被T了怎么办? 如果你是轻度触犯条例,被误删, 你仍然可以再进 如果是因为特殊情况, 仍然可以再进, 需要找我说明一下(Q里或者论坛PM) 问:我对某个管理员的管理不满 你可以向我投诉Q群管理员, 最好能给予证据或群内其他支持人 问:特殊情况? 凡事都有例外, 如果在群里因为这类情况造成不便, 可以找我或者管理员讨论 问:如果群被封了怎么办? 请全员到本贴集合, 我会发布新群, 因为有过前例了, 所以并不奇怪
  20. The Beta has a Non-Disclosure Agreement with it that must be accepted by all those who participate. It may be exciting for one section of people but now think about it, you'll have people having to watch out for these things now and this in turn could disrupt the proper feedback getting back in a timely manner and being dealt with. The game isn't even that far from it's original release.
  21. Please do not post anything non-official related to the Beta, thanks.
  22. 已添加,加分獎勵,請繼續努力
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