I think a thread for each one would be best but if one tool works well with another then make sure to post that below with a link to the corresponding thread. If we start with this then it is much easier if we have to combine them later, well tbh either way works easy in that respect.
The script I am using for that only had the singular option available for selection and we picked US Dollar due to it's Universal identity.
HOWEVER, I have just messed around with the script slightly and have now made it so you can donate in a variety of currencies (hopefully your own) so that you can know exactly how much you are wanting to donate without having to do any sort of conversions or the like. When you enter an amount then hit the button you will see at the top right the amount and currency the donation will go as.
Thanks mate, wouldn't have thought of doing that had you not asked. :p
How about beans, noodles and meatballs then? :D