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Everything posted by Eudemon

  1. I hadn't heard this in about 5 years and I forgot just how good and crazy it is. If you ever need a laugh or just a pick me up then check it out, it does help if you are a bit insane though. :monkeydance:
  2. I know that font, but forget the name. It's popular, uhh starts with A, or is it O, hmmm?
  3. Look below the $0 and that's why. :D
  4. RB the pic of the red Vette is alright at best as you've cut most of out and there's nothing really to focus on and make you go "wow!".
  5. It's dealing with a carpack enquiry so he's in his right to do so. The rest of us just aren't as organised. :D
  6. Infogrames want to make this game what it should be so it's possible they've said right get this and get that done but are waiting for something to expire or the like.
  7. It's amazing how one thread subject can become another so quickly.
  8. Yeah that's correct and Iced I'm the admin I can do what I want, within my own reasoning of course. Hahaha it's great ! Baldred; Remember the edit button! ;)
  9. Don't have to take it that harshly, I'm not sending you to your bed with no supper or the like. You are grounded though !
  10. As far as I know no that would not work and please watch your language. :) Thanks.
  11. [Offtopic]Iced is a candidate for Total Nugget !!![/Offtopic] Ah now I get you Understudy mate, it makes sense when you say it fairly sober hence why I got it wrong. :D :p Also Iced, please when you quote one of us over here just say [membername] at TDUc pointed this out, don't constantly link to us here, it looks like spam mate.
  12. Ok well it's not exactly bold it's called a 'Headline' (and looks about probably an ) which is exactly as it sounds, it's meant to draw you to it first just like a newspaper. Note the difference in the thickness of your subject header compared to the supposed printscreen.
  13. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice intro, so welcome to the board and please we need pics of your Horizon, I mean Skyline.
  14. You been drinking again mate or is that a stupid question? :p
  15. It's an email right so why doesn't he forward it to one of the doubters who would then check the headers and confirm it is real.
  16. Why doesn't he post the actual full desktop printscreen itself? Why some cut down version, seems a bit too "uhhuh" for me.
  17. Unless it is reported as being a fake or the words were taken out of context then fair enough but as long as no identifiable names or addresses are shown then it should be fine.
  18. Iced I edited your post then was about to edit the image when I noticed the image had within 2mins been edited as requested so I put it back. That was surreal !
  19. Nice man, but now everyone knows your name ! :eek: :eek_blue: :oook: :twisted: ;)
  20. Up here I had some severe wind (damn vindaloo!) but it died down after about 12 hours the next day, we had tons of rain also but no flooding, you guys down south seem to get hit a lot though but then again we learnt from the massive flooding we had in the early 90's, are local councils improving flood defences and all that or they do they just do a cleanup and that's it !
  21. LOL we'll have all the space we need at the end of January, in fact it'll be empty... maybe?
  22. Not decided that yet, any ideas those of you who won?
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