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Everything posted by Eudemon

  1. There's nothing quite like running to a shop as it's bringing the shutter down and saying "do you have this?" pointing at a Hi-Fi in an advert and the guy saying "yes, we have 1 left I think" then handing over the cash and walking out feeling elated and shocked at the fact you might have messed it up and not had a gift for someone on Christmas day, I've done it since I was 12 and I'll continue doing it also!
  2. No problem mate and thanks, just thought seeing as I left my Christmas shopping till today I may as well send the obligatory Christmas email on the same day, better late than never !
  3. No problem mate, it's very similar to some promo screens but I believe you.
  4. BTW I think Baltoman's shot is a pre-release promo screenshot, not one he's done himself. I could be wrong though and if so I apologise !
  5. My view would be you can use Photoshop only to remove text, no brightening or the like and you must post the original to show what has been changed. It's easy to tell what has been colour corrected, shadow and highlight or hue changed so don't try it ! It's upto the previous week's winner though or the person who created this in the first place.
  6. Right this is interesting, after removing DLC #6 I now only have the choice of 1 GTO in the dealer whereas it used to be 2 before I downloaded then removed DLC #6.
  7. The easiest way for them to do this imo would be to keep the 2 GTO's and add the Solstice in as #3 and then fix the problem via a title update in the future.
  8. If your friend states it's for you and you're not available then we will send the requested code to your PM box on the Atari forums.
  9. Congrats and winning buddy and I hope you like what we did with your image. Well miracles do happen at Christmas. :D
  10. We know you guys like the header and we were thinking it would be cool to see what kind of stories you can come up with for the header, look into it, notice some details and then see what you can come up with, I have one myself, so let's see who can come up with the same story as myself. It's just for fun!
  11. There will be a giveaway, when though who knows? ;) "And on that bombshell it's time to say goodnight, goodnight!" Don't say if you know. :D
  12. Yeah there will be and I know when it will be....
  13. Either your presents are in big boxes or your trees the same size as the one in the F430 above. lol
  14. Cheers guys, I was going to go with something traditional then thought that wouldn't be me now would it, so I went for the fun and insane factor! Glad you guys like it !
  15. Hey there, we are coming to the end of 2007 and I think you will agree with us when we say it has been a good year for TDU (despite it's problems) and TDUc, and let's hope that it shall continue in 2008 and beyond. And around this time of year where I still have to do my shopping and get things organised I figured it would be nice to wish everyone, members, lurkers and search spiders, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. So all the best to all of you this season and myself along with all the staff wish each and everyone one of you the best and we look forward to falling over you and doing it all over again next year!! So I'd like to raise a glass (bottle of Irn-Bru) and say.... Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all !!
  16. The_Mole posted the Memory Unit workaround, see first post for the statement.
  17. Yeah I did it late last night and I know it needs fixed and I should hopefully get that done today, cheers for noticing though.
  18. If you have a memory unit then yeah but if you want to play anyway and just wait for the pack to be fixed then go for that also.
  19. Haha if I only posted my find at Atari UK forums, man what a muppet I am! BTW do you guys the strange view also when using the car?
  20. Hey there, welcome to TDUc, please enjoy your stay and I see you have put your gamertag in so I'm sure we'll be seeing you about once UPS delivers ! ...maybe? :D
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