Very nice write-up there Baxie and I appreciate what you said.
At the end of the day I am a gamer, I am not some mindless and faceless corporate entity paid to do what I'm told, I know the disappointment felt when certain situations arise as I am essentially one of you, just because I am a moderator doesn't mean I am going to drop my opinions and my thoughts just because I patrol Atari's boards. Don't get me wrong I'm not the person to shout and swear profusely if something doesn't go my way but I will say how I feel and allow those who put themselves across constructively to say their bit also.
Do I tone down my responses due to the mod badge? Yes is the answer but then this is what TDU Central allows me to do, I won't contradict myself here compared to the Atari boards but you will see a more full on answer or view here than there.
Also everytime I play TDU I know Eden did a fantastic job and so did Atari, I just sometimes have to question the way in which the approach certain tasks but when you hear just how tight and thorough Microsoft are with developers releasing information pertaining to their products, you actually feel sorry for them.