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  1. Release date of SSR rims? I wish we had TE37 in this bronze color ;)
  2. Could you please make these rims a little bit lighter? Not white, but silver. Xfire - Screenshots byPigeon Hole Taken from your Audi Rim Pack 2. Also, please don't change the rim size. Thanks. Oh, I almost forgot. Thanks for TE37's. I requested them like a year ago.
  3. Well then, you could check the Compomotive site, I bet you will find something interesting. You could also go with something like O.Z. Leggenda/Rally or Speedline Corse 2020/2010, but I guess these would be rather hard to find in Australia.
  4. RS Watanabe. Volk had this edition of classic-looking TE37's, can't remember the exact name right now. Or you could get a set of AE82 'Rolla GT/FX GT rims, I mean these: Toyota Corolla AE82 GT 4age 20V Silvertop | (sadly, the guy who owned this car had totaled it at a racetrack, now he's building a 'track car AE82' with the same engine which looks like this: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/553756_290568857710871_140716921_n.jpg)
  5. I'm so jealous.
  6. Looks great Dan. Yeah, it has :P How's your GT-Four Snakeskin?
  7. Some might remember my 'Rolla when I posted a pic of it back in May. Well, that's how it looks now. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) ---- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) ---- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) ---- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) ---- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) ---- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- Yeah, I know, gotta lower it. I have no muneeyz for that atm :< That, and the winter is comming. Because of the fact the roads in my neighbourhood don't see too many snowplows and we get loads of snow in the winter, the car will become a snowplow itself if I lower it. Ah, decisions, decisions...
  8. Go Toyota! The TS030 has already won the sound and looks contests. [edit] British EuroSport 1 HD Live | Online British EuroSport 1 Free Sports | Nowwatchtvlive.Com
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_SGQycuXUw
  10. I love this guy. Wish I could watch one of his gigs live.
  11. DAT BASSLINE. It's not an original 'White Rabbit', it's actually a remix done for BF:Vietnam. I've heard it recently while playing Battlefield 2 mod called Project Reality (Vietnam minimod) while a map was loading, brings back memories when I was playing the original BF:V as a kid.
  12. Funny thing is, I've seen this car running on sunday :P I guess someone took 'KILL THE FF WITH FIRE' memes too seriously.
  13. I was feeling like some dnb today, so what could be better than London Elek for that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcFvREf8t1A
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