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Everything posted by Skepsis

  1. holly bannanas,it looks goooood!:D the only "problem" I see are glassless headlights...
  2. yeah,sometimes it does that when you save the file,rounding the length at 5 or 10 sec,I don't know why and it's quite annoying. Try closing the program and reopening and try again.also you can try selecting the wave from the beginning to just before the added silence at the end and then go edit-find zero crossings and then export selection as wav...if that doesn't help,get another small program like ace of wav which never adds that crap at the end and use it to cut the wave there... [mod edit:] Please do not quote images, thanks!
  3. download the TDU modding tools and using them,extract the "offhigh" sample of the car sound you wanna change,load it in an audio editing prog like audacity,put the blow off sound in the next track at the beginning,make a mixdown,save a mixdown as microsoft adapcm 44KHz 4bit mono wav file,finaly,using modding tools again,replace(modify size option)the offhigh sample with the one you've created and that's it,you've got a new bov sound.:cool: have fun!
  4. Great job Frank,I think it's safe to release it in the wild now!:thumbsup:;):excited: btw. In my view,I think you've done all the details of the exterior correctly:cool:, there's just playing with the quality of some of them if you wont to bother for some next version update:o,such as getting a more hires(detailed) texture in the back lights,making blinkers in side mirrors more noticable:confused:,making front lights less reflective/more transparent with better modeled and textured actual lights inside,sunroof fix(it's coming with interior right?)...hmm that's it from me:)...waiting for download link now!:lol:
  5. Love the cars man!:thumbsup:...but some details like headlamps could use more work.;) btw. I've done a virtual tuning of M6(I took photos of) when I came back from the Zagreb Auto Show(in capital of my country)more than couple of years ago(before shintzer did it:cool:)that kinda looks a lot like your tuned model,see!:D http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii67/markonious/bmw-m6.jpg http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii67/markonious/bmw-m6gtr.jpg sorry about the size thing,corrected.:o
  6. Sweet update Frank!:thumbsup: Keep on,it's almost perfect,oh yeah!:D I think that "sprinkler" below the left, front light got stretched.;) Is it possible to have a bit more transparent and less reflective front lights(glass)(to make them look less like sun glasses:cheeky:)?:confused:
  7. You're right, it does look odd that way,but I think you could maybe do it just with texturing ie paint that part black,so from the outside it would look real enough.;) Also,you've left a stripe of car color there,it should be seamless, from those black stickers in the windshield and then continuing in the same black color across the roof. btw with the other method-to make it look good with the glass material,you'd need to tint it really dark,not make it transparent as the windshield,I mean just look at the pic of the real car and try to replicate!:D
  8. As promised,here I go with my final set of corrections!:D ...and to illustrate it better,here are couple of pics.:cool: p.s. about mentioning these smallest details,I wouldn't even go there,but as you've made the parking sensors,well what did you expect?:cheeky: Once you do this I think exterior will be probably 100% accurate!:thumbsup: p.p.s. 3d Badges are looking good and front license plate is a good idea!:) http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii67/markonious/front.jpghttp://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii67/markonious/back.jpg
  9. :lol: Hahaha you made me laugh "uncle Frank"! You're a good guy for helping a fellow modder!:thumbsup: And as for me,I'll keep on throwing my little criticisms at you guys,cuz I know you love it!:cheeky::D hmm,next victim...scirocco!:cool:
  10. niceee! me likey!:D make a beta now please?:) +is there a way to avoid that strip of tire over the rims?(is it cuz you made them little bigger than original?) do you know when this happens? or when rims end up a little smaller than the tires,that's also annoying!
  11. yeehaaa,nice one!!! downloading! :D
  12. :DOMG man,every time I write in a new criticism:o about your model I kinda expect that you'd finally say "f off with your nagging already" or something, but you just come back again with all sorts of improvements...YOU ROCK!!!:bow::thumbsup::bow: Ok,let's get back to our thing then!;):lol: Regarding the number of ribs in the grill, I know what you're saying,the game isn't perfect(far from it),so if it looks worse with more ribs,let it be like this,although it's not authentic,it looks really nice....and much better than just the texture!:thumbsup: The upper hood vents are looking good,everybody say THX to uncle Frank!:D As usual,a little nag for the end. The spacing of ribs on the lower part of the grill(those behind the lights) looks uneven.:cool: And last one, the inner,upper lights have some sort of black casing or something sticking out of the body.;) That's all.:) I wish you best of luck and lots of spare nerves,so you can perfect this great car! And thx again to Frank for all the help!:thumbsup:
  13. Those are some logical choices;),enjoy the grunt!:)
  14. Holly mother mary's push-up bra,this is awesome news!:D So TDU is going more GranTurismoish with all the license test and hopefully fixed(moon gravity/terrible understeer)physics from the get go? I likeeeee it already!:) I'm not so sure about the off road thing,but if it's done properly,that's also gonna be loads of fun! Now I cannot wait for the E3! +I just hope they fix the physics FIRST, AND THEN start adding a story or whatever to make it more interesting!
  15. You should always make backups BEFORE modding something!;) Me personally,I just add letter "o"(as in original) to the end of whatever I'm about to mod and than just paste the modded file in that folder.:cool:
  16. Who says our dear modders,including yourself,need to follow the standards of those slackers at eden games,why not make it better?;):cheeky::D (and it isn't that hard making 3d letters from 2d ones for example...)
  17. Thank you!;) I'd like to know what the "mystery man" thinks also!:cool: To everybody: Check the first post for a nice comparison video!:D
  18. I bet you love me by now!:cheeky: Firstly: The car is freaking amazing:thumbsup: and massive respect for making it and listening to suggestions, but I'd say it's 95% complete!:o;) The only things that still bug me,cuz the rest is perfect:D are 2d grill(you said you'd do it in 3d right?),material around the windshield and windows needs to be chrome(not car color+stripes go over it which they shouldn't),missing little vents on the hood near the windshield(texture+bump kind),that ridge which goes along the center of the hood needs fixing and prolonging and most noticeable(even though you've improved it a bit:o)the hood scoop,it's still too rough and big so it looks kinda odd on a car(stands out)(actually the scoop on the original,but with covered front holes at an angle would be almost right I think:))...if you don't know how to make it exactly like the real counterpart(you said you were a begginer in 3d), maybe the veterans(tool or reaper(hello guys!:lol:) could help you just with that eh?:D One more thing, there's something wrong with the right sidescirt,it's black or really dark and even sort of dissapears when you rotate camera around the right part of the car(weird)...left is ok...:confused: Keep up the good work man!:thumbsup: to Djey: No you can't, cuz then,the car looks all weird and the camera positions are bad...sadly...wish it was that easy....:sulk:
  19. Love this car!:) You've done a nice job so far,but needs some more work still!;) (grill and inner parts of the front bumper and lower half of wingmirrors are supposed to be black,black sunroof,black line that goes along the sides,3d badges,licence plate floats in the air,some bugs like where the interior sticks out of the car if it's more then 5m from viewer and car needs to sit lower to the ground(I've seen official photos;))...that's all I noticed:))
  20. Sweet ride:),although little buggy(hood scoop for example). On a different note,I think you're packaging your mod with a modified(if at all) version of my gt500/mustang gtr sound aren't you?:oook: You could've asked at least...and no, I don't mind,just give credit where is due, right?
  21. If you can be bothered,then do it.;) btw I doubt there's gonna be lots of people who can't download through filefront,there's already been 111 downloads and just 1 complaint so far so:)...
  22. Well, it's not that much different then in that video,but I know what you mean,I'd also would like to have a perfect sound, however, hearing a great sound in youtube video and having USABLE sound for samples are two very different things,so until I run into some great samples,it ain't gonna happen by itself.;) I try...:o:D:o Seriously, I love drifting,but in this game ,with it's buggy physics, like moon gravity and maximum understeer(HC mode of course),the only thing you can do is to flick it sidewise to negotiate turns, so I don't mind doing it!;):lol:
  23. Weird...Ok,for "all" of you that can't download through filefront: Here you go then,enjoy. http://rapidshare.com/files/209558308/Pagani_Zonda_F_Pack_sound_rims_gauges_.zip.html Be fast though,there's limit of 10 downloads...:rolleyes:
  24. Damn,a lot of confusion here:oook:... You do have DJey's magic bnk1.map right?? If not,here it is. http://forum.turboduck.net/showthread.php?t=3739&highlight=MAGIC+MAP Nobody on this forum has had problems with filefront,so what exactly happens when you try to download?:confused: btw. don't have time to put it elsewhere for next 2 days probably...sorry... More screamy??? Is that even possible?;):cheeky::D Congrats on the first grand!:thumbsup: p.s. The final pitch matches that of the real car,that was the goal no?;) no,no,no...just change the farboud model to zonda F(or c12s/roadster)(and leave the original zondas alone;))so you can hear the sound all the way up to 7500rpm how it should be and then, you have everything in the pack already named to replace the farboud's sound,wheels and gauges!:cool: ...and I thought I explained it well...:cheeky:
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