New Island, different type of roads as compared to Oahu.
Day/Night cycle
Weather (still waiting for my first no sun day)
Better handling than TDU1
Top on cabrios work
Better drifting
My cons are mostly bugs/weird decisions;
Weird tuning, sometimes 1 HP deducts ALOT from the 0-100km/h time ((+1hp/-.5 sec)
Weird tuning, why would I buy tuning if 2k ingame currency gives me 1 extra HP on 300HP? (less than .5%)
GPS just auto focuses on some garage for no reason
Clutch doesnt work properly;
you can start out of 4th and the first 1000rpm there is no engine sound.
When you shift back a gear too much, it sounds and and looks like the RPM
are back around stationary, although they are still around 3.5-4k rpm
The name of the race and the irritating $@#%# who announces everything. After a few races you know all announcements and want to kill her. Also, she speaks of tires on asphalt warming or something before the starting line, when in a offroad race. :confused:
Offroading isnt really offroading. It feels like driving on bumpy slippery asphalt
The way the cars are classified and in what numbers; It feels like there are alot of A3/A2/A1 cars, but only a few slower cars to choose from, from lets say 4 in the A7-A4 classes and alot more for the latter classes. I'm used to more classes from TDU1, i think every class had at least 7 cars to choose from
I cant sell or repaint the cars i won in competition. Now im stuck with a pink mustang with kisses on it...:eek:
So far, 8/10