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Everything posted by Ten.

  1. Adobe Photoshop CS5. Only curves, and sharpness. Bought Adobe Lightroom yesterday, gonna see how it works out for me.
  2. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/8203/fxx3.jpg -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- [mod edit:] Please do not post images larger than 350kB, use a thumbnail or a text link instead, thanks.
  3. I'm getting mildly upset with the fact that in about 95% of the cruises the same people get to join. I get the grading system and im totally up for it. However, joining 4 consecutive cruises in a row as some have been doing, is not fair. There is just not a chance in hell for the lower grade members to join cruises if the grading system is used and the same people join every god damn cruise. Solutuions: 1. Set a limit on how many cruises you can join consecutively. Like, every third cruise arranged you can join, etc. ... Actaully, i see no other option, using the grading system or not. I don't care much about being in the Club just to have access to clubraces and such, i just want to be able to join the cruises we organize. This isn't possible with the way things are at the moment.
  4. -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) --
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  6. I *THNIK* my Enzo might be tuned, however, i don't remember and i never use it so i don't really care.
  7. similar thing has happened to me, in 2 different 458. it might be that car being extra prone to the specific glitch?
  8. you is wrong. you wouldn't know either way since you haven't actually seen the movie. way to own yourself dude.
  9. Avatar, 3hrs of FX and bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad acting. ANYWAY -snatch, lock stock and two smoking barrels, rocknrolla, inside man, the job, etc. -inception -kickass -scott pilgrim vs. the world -12 monkeys etc. Rare Exports trilogy! FFS its awesome.
  10. not possible. well, at least not as they have it at the moment. Everything, and i mean everything, is client side apart from the location of other players. only way to fix it would be to make a serverside check for uh... unlocked features, if you have more than you should have, insta ban. however, this wouldnt be possible since its availible to play offline. meh, for it to work it really has to become a "true mmo", not something that really is offline, and 7 random dudes in veyrons. edit your post plz. anyone remotely familiar with hacking allready know how to do it by what you just said, no need to attract them all. edt: nevermind, its pretty much public by now.
  11. Did you guys do anything cool after i left? Sorry about that btw, my son ate sugar.... He is 7 months old. Anyway, the lag was so bad under the session that i didn't even bother with starting it up.
  12. Was it as bad as on Thursday? We all had so much lag it really sucked to drive..
  13. i was typing and pressed T when i just got the invite. appearantly doing so cancels the invite
  14. unless you mod them after the filecheck.
  15. So yeah, and the reason to why i can drive on eden island after moving game files AFTER the check is? (online, ofc)
  16. Gettiing into the airport isn't anything new. Back in beta we did it all the time. (fairly sure i was one of the first to do it) Any car that goes above 100kmh on dirt gets in, without doing the noclip abuse.
  17. The launcher checks them, not the game. If you modify the files after you have run the launcher, it would work.
  18. yes. The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 5 characters.
  19. Wewt. Pics from my offline profile. http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/5870/testdrive22011030514311.jpg -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- -- OLD IMAGE REMOVED (imageshack) -- [mod edit:] Please do not post images larger than 350KB, use a thumbnail or a text link instead, thanks!
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