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Everything posted by Penfold

  1. Nice orange Seat, there are quite a few nice exotics roaming scotland keep watching :). I saw one of those new Peugeot RCZ things this morning, kinda cool!
  2. Nawwwww, 10 ducklings, that's rather a lot.
  3. Hmmm it's really nice but I can live without it, I think... $200 doesn't seem bad at all but I bet the prices here will be stupid :rolleyes:
  4. Only a DB9 today on the way back from an exam...
  5. Who would do that :whistle: @Mb: Nice shots, not as good as usual, but then again, it's dark!! Love the glowing brake discs on the second shot. :) @DiSCiPuLo: Love the shots with the tire smoke, they look awesome. Loving the new banner aswell, congrats on winning that. @zo6dude: Love the vette pictures, they look great. But the other one of the Porsche and other cars looks a bit to over contrasted and the shadows are too dark as twm said. Just keep playing though and pressing all the buttons :D
  6. http://forum.turboduck.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=12798&d=1275855456 Farbound/Farbio/Genetta GTS! I love these! :nuts:
  7. :) 3 Scuds, one with the worst stripes i've ever seen :lol: Really really really busy :( Rubbish for trying to take photos.. So I moved to the exit and watched all the cars leave for the next 2 hours :lol: White 458, it's starting to grow on me now.. 722 F1 :drool: Yellow Enzo 1 of the 3 Gullwings there :nuts: Nice scud Bugatti EB 100 :drool: OM NOM NOM Balboni Grandsport Nice Duo
  8. Had another awesome day today ;) No rides this time though. More to come when i've finished sorting through them :)
  9. Great video! That's a lot of crazy carspotters :D
  10. You're good with your classics, I had no idea what it was :D
  11. TomRS: I like the grafiti ones :D tWm: Beautiful headstones ;) My polarising filter still hasn't arrived :(
  12. Personally, I just taught myself how everything worked, in the manual settings rather than automatic setting, by just playing with it and trying lots of stuff out. A quick touch up in photoshop afterwoods always helps the photo look even better, again I taught myself this by getting photoshop and just trying different things. You just need to do some experiments :) Edit: Just looked at what you've favourited, obviously you need to have the subject to get the photos like that and nice seting always help, with things lke supercars it just luck if they're parked in a nice place. The angle and composition of the photo is also very important, so always take a few different angles. Remember it doesn't matter how many pictures you take, the more you take the more really nice ones you get and you can delete the bad ones :D
  13. Voted for Variodical, I think it looks the best out of all of them :).
  14. Two Z1s!!!! :eek: I've only seen two in my whole life.
  15. Wow, a cross between a Spyker C8 and a Alfa 8C, sounds nice! ;)
  16. Lol i forgot about them :fp: A couple of minutes to late :lol:
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