Ultimate Modding Tutorial For All
Modding Tutorial Video
Step 1. Get ur 3d model and all the tools u need.
Step 2. Extract the archive with quickbms if u are using Turn10 models.
Step 3. Delete all files exept for she_gt500_07.carbin, she_gt500_07_cockpit.carbin, she_gt500_07_lod0.carbin, interior_lod0, lights_lod0, nodamage_lod0 these are the files u gonna need.
Step 4. Now drag the 3 textures called interior_lod0, lights_lod0, nodamage_lod0 into the XTX-TO_TGA.exe remember only 1 by 1 after that u get 3 TGA textures wenn its done u can delete the 3 other XDS textures.
Step 5. Open Forza Studio and impot the she_gt500_07_cockpit.carbin file, wenn all is cheked u can right click with ur maus and hit selective Export then u will get the convertied OBJ file Rename it to INT.
Step 6. Do the same with the file called she_gt500_07_lod0.carbin and rename that to EXT,
some diffrent cars can have diffent bodykits u can also select them it u want or unmark them.
Step 7. Do that to the file called she_gt500_07.carbin aswell and select only LOD1 not all LODS as we gonna use the LOD1 Body for the Shadow after exporting the LOD1 model rename the file to SHAD, after all that u can delete the 3 MTL files as u dont rly need them.
Step 8. Now open ur Zmodeler and import the first file called INT.obj make sure u have ((use Matirials)) (MTL) NOT SELECTED.
Step 9. Now u are ready to do ur first mod editing, go to Modify / Delete and click on all the parts u see, until u only got the Hood, Mirrors, Black Glass and windows left, dont worry the rest will be in the EXT.OBJ ^^, after ur first edit u can save ur project.
Step 10. After u have done all that, Now u can import the file called EXT.obj chek if all is ok thats no parts or enything is missing, if u have something twice just go to Modify/Delete and click on the mesh.
Step 11. Now go to the 3d patrs list and hit Hide all button this will make it a bit easyer to sort out and attach ur 3d parts.
Step 12. Now go to Modify / attach and attach all parts that u think belong together, do it like this
BLACK to BLACK u can also attach the frame and undercarriage to black
PLASTIC to PLASTIC u can also attach rubber trim, somtimes even Misc and Matte colors if u are not 100% sure, Google pics is ur buddy.
Step 13. After attaching all parts that u think belong together u can rename them in the things u want but make sure u NEVA have 2 same named files for example BODY_1 and BODY_1.
Step 14. If u got this far, I would say :clap:GREAT JOB:clap: u already got 40% done of ur own TDU Mod
Modding Tutorial Video Part (2)
Step 1. Go to ur TDU install directory and open Euro/Bnk/Vehicules and copy the Common_car.bnk to ur desktop, do that also with the CLK_55.bnk.
Step 2. Now use Bnk Editior or Modding tools to extract the Bnk files, if u done that u can put the common_car folder near ur other modding tools, ((in my case i got it near the zmod install directory)), now do the same with the CLK_55.bnk, make a folder called maps and move all 2db textures in there.
Step 3. Open Modding tools and go to 2DB To DDS converter hit the optioncard 2 for Many, now import ur CLK_55.bnk, as Target folder u pick the CLK_55 folder, then u hit go and u will see that 24 2DB files have bin converted to DDS Textures.
Step 4. Now open ur CLK_55 folder and chek if all is there, if yes u can already sort out a few DDS textures u dont need, in this case it will be the ws and ts bump map textures.
Step 5. Now open ur Zmodeler and go to Options / Settings... / Services / Textures then hit add and import the common_car folder that we have extracted before, after u have done that hit add again and go to the CLK_55 folder on ur desktop and import the folder called maps, after that just hit apply and ok.
Step 6. Now go to the blue import button and import the file called CLK_55.3DG after u done that u can make a first save Z3d file.
Step 7. Now Delete all parts u dont need for ur mod im my case i will Delete all exept from
Step 8. Now the video will show u how to Delete the polys exept from 1 poly, do that with BODY_HR, DOOR_L / R, D_SHADOW and COCK_LR.
Step 9. Wenn u have done all that, u can unlink or or drag out the files called DOOR_R, DOOR_L, BODY_HR and COCK_LR, then go to Select /all or Quadr, then open the matirial editor and make a new file calld alpha and hit the button saying Assign to selection, now all the stuff that has been marked,it will be seethrow in game, then go to select none and hit the window so all will be unmarked again.
Step 10. Now just hit save and ur done
Great job TDU modders u have now got ur first own tdu modlayer, this will now be ur bace car for some of ur mods u can already use this for all ur mods just make a rar name it to Mod Layer CLK and pack the whole CLK_55 folder inside ofc with the z3d save file
Modding Tutorial Video Part (3)